Change and Configuration Management role-based permissions

This topic lists the role-based permissions that are specific to Engineering Workflow Management project areas.

Table 1 lists the role-based permissions that are specific to change and configuration management project areas. See Permissions for a list of permissions that are common to all Engineering Lifecycle Management applications.
Table 1. Role-based permissions for Engineering Workflow Management project areas
Category Operation and actions Description
Build Abandon Build
  • Abandon Build
  • Abandon Personal Build
Abandon an in-progress build or personal build. Abandoning a build stops the build.
Cancel Pending Build Request
  • Cancel Pending Build Request
  • Cancel Pending Personal Build Request
Cancel a pending build request or personal build request. A pending build is a build that has been requested but has not yet started.
Control The Build Lifecycle
  • Complete Build
  • Retrieve the Next Build Request
  • Start Build
Complete a build; retrieve the next build request; or start a build.
Delete Build Definition Delete a build definition from the repository.
Delete Build Engine Delete a build engine from the repository.
Delete Build Result
  • Delete Build Result
  • Delete Personal Build Result
Delete the result of a build or personal build from the repository.
Manage Build Folders
  • Manage Build Definition Folders
Create, modify, delete or change the contents of build definition folders.
Request Build
  • Request Build
  • Request Personal Build
Request that a build or personal build be started.
Save Build Definition
  • Create Build Definition
  • Modify Build Definition
Create or modify a build definition.
Save Build Engine
  • Create Build Engine
  • Modify Build Engine
Create or modify a build engine.
Save Build Result
  • Create Build Result
  • Modify Build Result
Create a build result or modify an existing build result.
Build Subsets Delete Build Subset Delete a build subset from the repository. This operation is available only to Enterprise Extensions users.
Save Build Subset
  • Create Build Subset
  • Modify Build Subset
Create or modify a build subset. This operation is available only to Enterprise Extensions users.
Dependency Build Ignore Changes Ignore changes when executing dependency builds. Permissions are checked when change sets are delivered to a stream. This operation is available only to Enterprise Extensions users.
Deployment Request Deployment Request deployment of build output. This operation is available only to Enterprise Extensions users.
Language Definitions Delete Language Definition Delete a language definition from the repository. This operation is available only to Enterprise Extensions users.
Delete Translator Delete a translator from the repository. This operation is available only to Enterprise Extensions users.
Save Language Definition
  • Create Language Definition
  • Modify Language Definition
Create or modify a language definition. This operation is available only to Enterprise Extensions users.
Save Translator
  • Create Translator
  • Modify Translator
Create or modify a translator. This operation is available only to Enterprise Extensions users.
Packaging Request Package Request creation of deployment package. This operation is available only to Enterprise Extensions users.
Planning Delete Plan Delete a plan or one of its pages.
Delete Plan Snapshot Delete a plan snapshot.
Export Plan
  • Export Plan
The Export Plan operation is executed when the data is exported.
  • Grants the user permission to export a plan.
Save Plan
  • Modify Attached Pages
  • Modify Plan
Modify a plan or modify its pages.
Save Plan Snapshot Save a plan snapshot.
Promotion Promote Work Items Promote the change sets associated with one or more work items. This operation is available only to Enterprise Extensions users.
Resource Definitions Delete Resource Definition Delete a resource definition from the repository. This operation is available only to Enterprise Extensions users.
Save Resource Definition
  • Create Resource Definition
  • Modify Resource Definition
Create or modify a resource definition. This operation is available only to Enterprise Extensions users.
Search Paths Delete Search Path Delete a search path from the repository. This operation is available only to Enterprise Extensions users.
Save Search Path
  • Create Search Path
  • Modify Search Path
Create or modify a search path. This operation is available only to Enterprise Extensions users.
Source Code Data Delete Query Delete a source code data query. A source code data query finds resources with a given source code data value. This operation is available only to Enterprise Extensions users.
Reset Source Code Data Reset the source code data for a stream. This operation is available only to Enterprise Extensions users.
Save Query
  • Create Query
  • Modify Query
Create or modify a source code data query. This operation is available only to Enterprise Extensions users.
Save Source Code Data Save a source code data file. This operation is available only to Enterprise Extensions users.
Select Streams for Scanning Source Code Data Enable automatic scanning of specified streams. This operation is available only to Enterprise Extensions users.
Update Source Code Data Update the source code data for a stream manually. This operation is available only to Enterprise Extensions users.
Source Control Deliver
  • Deliver baselines
  • Deliver change sets
Deliver baselines or change sets to a stream.
Replicate change sets Replicate change sets or baselines from components that are scoped to the project area.
Modify Baseline
  • Modify Name and Description
Modify the name and description of a baseline.
Save Change Set Links and Comments
  • Modify comment
  • Modify work item links
Modify the comment associated with a closed change set. Add or remove links to work items for a closed change set.
Save Component
  • Add a component to a project/team area
  • Modify the component name
  • Remove a component from a project/team area
  • Set Item Permissions
  • Add a component to a project area or team area.
  • Modify the name of a component.
  • Move a component to a different project area or team area.
  • Set read access permissions on files and folders within a component.
Save Snapshot
  • Delete Snapshot
  • Modify Name and Description
Delete a snapshot from a repository workspace or stream. Modify the name and description of a snapshot.
Save Stream
  • Modify the stream description
  • Modify the stream flows
  • Modify the stream name
  • Modify the stream owner
  • Create a stream
  • Create Snapshot and Modify Snapshot Owner
  • Delete the stream
  • Acquire, Release or Transfer locks
  • Destroy locks of others
  • Add components to the stream
  • Remove components from the stream
  • Replace components in the stream
  • Modify the description of a stream.
  • Modify the flow targets of a stream.
  • Modify the name of a stream.
  • Modify the owner of a stream. To perform this operation, you also need to have permission to delete the stream.
  • Create a stream.
  • Create a snapshot and modify the owner of the snapshot.
  • Delete a stream.
  • Acquire, release, or transfer locks held on streams that are owned by the project area or team area.
  • Release locks from other users held on streams that are owned by the project area or team area.
  • Add a component to a stream.
  • Remove a component from a stream.
  • Replace the contents of a component with the contents of a component from another repository workspace or stream.