LDAP and LDAP/SDBM configuration parameters
Use this reference topic to learn about each LDAP or LDAP/SDBM configuration parameter.
After you have configured your application server and LDAP server, run the setup wizard and complete the LDAP user registry configuration form by providing the following parameters.Parameter | Description | Example |
LDAP Registry Location | The web address that references your LDAP server. | ldap://ldap.example.com:389 , where ldap.example.com is the qualified host name of the LDAP server. |
User Name | The user name to log on to the LDAP server. For the LDAP servers that allow anonymous user names and passwords, you can leave this parameter blank. | |
Password Base | The password that is associated with the user name. | |
Base User DN | The base distinguished name of users in the LDAP registry. | ou=people,dc=jazz,dc=net or PROFILETYPE=USER,CN=RACF255,O=IBM,C=RTC |
User Property Names Mapping | The mapping of Jazz user property names to LDAP
registry entry attribute names. You must define the following mappings:
The For
LDAP/SDBM, you need to enter an email address or another standard field, such as
userId=uid,name=cn,emailAddress=mail or userid=racfid, name=racfprogrammername |
Base Group DN | The base distinguished name of the Jazz application groups in the LDAP registry. | ou=JazzGroups,dc=jazz,dc=net |
Jazz to LDAP Group Mapping | To map the Jazz group to multiple LDAP groups, make
sure that the LDAP groups are separated by a semicolon. For example:
JazzAdmins=LDAPAdmins1;LDAPAdmins2 maps JazzAdmins group to LDAPAdmins1 and
LDAPAdmins2. Jazz® Team Server defines four groups to map:
Group Name Property | The LDAP property that represents the name of the Jazz groups in the LDAP registry. For example, cn. This property is used in the query to retrieve an LDAP group. To retrieve an LDAP group, a query uses a combination of the Base group DN and the Group Name Property. | cn |
Group Member Property | The LDAP property that represents the members of a group in the LDAP registry. | members |