Data management in Engineering Lifecycle Management
- Optimize the use of data within the bounds of policies and available system resources so that organizations can decide and take actions to maximize benefits.
- Companies usually have policies in place about data management and data retention. These policies must be considered when you plan IBM Engineering data management.
- As your organization increases IBM Engineering deployments or continues to work on existing projects, the various Engineering Lifecycle Management application project area data also continues to grow. This growth in turn contributes to Jazz® Reporting Service and Lifecycle Query Engine data growth.
- If business imposes limitation on system resources, then data management is not an option but mandatory part of each Lifecycle Query Engine deployment.
- Proper data management brings balance between the reporting needs of various supporting
businesses and thus ensures that JRS and Lifecycle Query Engine are
working correctly with the available system resources. Data management aims to provide the following benefits.
- Reduce irrelevant data and unwanted choices when you build and run reports
- Reduce the hardware requirements for Lifecycle Query Engine
- Reduce network consumption
Generating quality metrics reports for completed projects using Jazz Reporting Service
About this task
You can use one of the following methods to get the list of project areas for archiving.
- In Report Builder, you can set appropriate filter conditions and generate a report
to find project areas that are suitable candidates for the archival process. The following list
gives examples of suitable candidates for the archival process.
- Project areas that contain artifacts that are mostly in closed state
- Project areas that belong to older releases
- Project areas that were invalidated and therefore can be archived
- Project areas that were used for testing purpose
- If you are unable to filter the projects by using the fields in Report Builder, then you can run a SPARQL queries from the Advanced section of Report Builder. By using appropriate SPARQL queries, you can find the list of project areas that belong to previous releases. To know how to create and run SPARQL queries in Report Builder, see Manually editing SPARQL or SQL queries
- To get the list of project areas that must be archived, you can also run SPARQL queries from the
Lifecycle Query Engine Query page. For more information, see Running Lifecycle Query Engine queries to test or debug. Refer to the following query
PREFIX jazz_process: <> PREFIX dcterms: <> PREFIX jazz_process2: <> SELECT DISTINCT ?proj ?title WHERE{ ?resource jazz_process:projectArea ?proj. ?proj dcterms:title ?Title. #?proj jazz_process:archived ?archived. }
Generating reports using PUB
About this task
Archiving project areas
Removing archived project in DOORS Next
About this task
Archival of a project area in DOORS Next is not automatic. The project area automatic removal feature in DOORS Next is available from 7.0.2 onwards. Therefore, Lifecycle Query Engine administrators must complete the following steps to remove DOORS Next archived project area data from Lifecycle Query Engine.
Deleting unnecessary artifacts from Engineering Test Management
You can remove unnecessary artifacts such as test execution records (for which one test case might run many times). Execution test results must be pruned from Engineering Test Management, and thus from Lifecycle Query Engine. Removing artifacts is possible with Engineering Lifecycle Management versions. For more information, see Deleting test artifacts.