Configurations: Global and local
Use configuration management capabilities to create versions of artifacts and link them to other team artifacts, such as requirements and designs. Use configurations (streams and baselines) from IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management applications to manage reuse, traceability, and parallel development. Use the Global Configuration Management application to assemble configurations into global configurations to provide a context for resolving links between versioned artifacts within and across Engineering Lifecycle Management applications.
A global configuration assembles other configurations within and across applications. The other configurations are streams and baselines from contributing applications, such as Architecture Management (AM), Engineering Workflow Management, Engineering Test Management (QM), IBM DOORS® Next, or other global configurations.
Global configurations assemble all the relevant artifacts (requirements, designs, tests, source code, other global configurations) for a specific component release or product version. Use the assembled hierarchy to work in parallel on multiple development streams, re-create a development environment from the past, or build a hierarchical component structure of a system that you are developing, while managing versions and variants across product lines. As you navigate across the lifecycle applications, you see the appropriate artifacts and links for the global configuration you are working in.