Managing tags

You can add or remove tags for a single item or multiple items.

About this task

As a creator or owner of a report, schedule, or export result, you can use the Manage tags option to add or remove tags for a single item or multiple selected items. You can add tags to reports, schedules, or export results, not folders. When you manage tags on multiple items, some tags might not be present on all items. The legend in the Manage tags dialog window, indicates whether a tag is present on all items or some items; you can add an existing tag to all items, remove an existing tag from all items, or add a new tag to the selected items.


  1. You can add or remove tags on a single item or multiple items.
    • To modify tags on a single item, click the More actions icon for the corresponding item.
    • To modify tags on multiple items, select the checkbox for the corresponding items.
  2. From the list of actions, select Manage tags.
  3. A dialog displays where you can modify the tags associated with the selected items.
    • To select an existing tag, start typing the name of the tag to quickly find it, then select it. 
    • To add a new tag, specify the tag name and press Enter. 
    • To remove a tag, click the Remove icon for the corresponding tag.
  4. Click Save to update the tags corresponding to the selected items.