Customizing columns

You can customize the columns in the Reports and Schedules and results tabs listing to change their width and to add or remove columns. These tabs displays an initial set of information about each report and folder or schedules. There is additional information that you can display by customizing the columns in the tables.

About this task

You can customize the columns that are listed in the Reports and Schedules and results tabs listing for each view. For reports table, the views can be All reports or My reports. For schedules table, you can only see schedules and results that you created or own, and administrators have the option to see All schedules or My schedules. Column customizations can be done separately for each view. Thus, you can make different selections according to your requirements.

To select and reorder the columns to be displayed on the table for the Reports and Schedules and results tabs listing, complete the following steps.


  1. Click the Manage columns icon in the Reports or Schedules and results tabs listing toolbar.
  2. For the reports or schedules table, select the corresponding checkbox for the columns that you want to add or remove from the table.
  3. To customize the columns for a schedule, complete the following steps.
    1. In the Schedules table, click a schedule and then click the Manage columns icon.
    2. Select the corresponding checkbox for the columns that you want to add or remove from the table.
    Table 1. Available columns for reports and schedules table
    Column name Description Applies to
    Type Indicates whether the item is a folder or report, and the type of report it is, such as table or chart. Reports and folders
    Average duration Displays the average time it takes for the report to run. Reports
    Created Displays when the report or folder was created. Reports and folders, Schedules
    Creator Displays who created the report or folder.
    Note: When you update the creator name, this change reflects only when you log in again to the Report Builder.
    Reports and folders, Schedules
    Owner Displays who owns the reports. In case there are multiple owners, the most recently added owners in the beginning. To see the names of other owners, hover over the number of owners. Reports and folders
    Custom expression This column refers to whether there is a custom expression or custom query that is associated with the report.
    The value that is associated with this column can vary as follows:
    • Contains custom expressions - The report includes custom columns that were written using the query language of the data source.
    • Contains custom query - The report is defined using a custom query, in the Advanced section, and can no longer be edited in the graphical interface.
    • No custom expressions - The report does not contain any custom expressions or queries.
    Data source Displays the location of the data stores that are used by report queries. Reports
    Description Displays information that describes the purpose or use of the report or folder. Reports and folders, Schedules
    Duration Displays the duration of schedule run. Results
    Format Displays the file format of the exported report. Results
    Last run Displays when the report was last run. Reports, Schedules
    Last run by Displays who ran the report the last time. Reports
    Last modified Displays when the report or folder was last edited. Reports and folders, Schedules
    Modified by Displays who modified the report or folder the last time. Reports and folders, Schedules
    Run date Displays the date when the schedule was run. Results
    Query language Displays the type of query that is used in the report (SQL or SPARQL). Reports
    Status Displays the status of the schedule. It can be running or complete. Results
    Tags Displays tags applied to the report. If there are many tags, they are grouped together and can be viewed at once. Reports, Schedules, Results
    ID Displays the unique ID of the report or folder. Reports and folders
    Name Displays the report or folder name. Reports and folders
    Visibility Indicates if the report can be seen by all users (Public), is private to creators and owners only (Private), or is private to creators and owners, but can be seen in the dashboard catalog by all users. Reports
    Schedule name Displays the schedule name. Schedules
    Report name Displays the report name Schedules
    Frequency Indicates the frequency of the scheduled exports. Schedules

    The columns that are selected by you are displayed as Selected columns. You can remove individual columns from the selected list by clicking the close icon.

  4. Optional: To clear the newly selected columns, click Reset.
  5. Optional: Drag the selected columns to reorder them.
  6. To complete customizing columns for the Reports or Schedules and results tabs listing, click Save.