Advanced properties

As an administrator, you might need to configure other Report Builder properties to meet your organizations needs. Advanced properties are a useful feature for working with Report Builder related internal and external properties.

About this task

To review and modify advanced Report Builder properties directly from the Report Builder Administration UI, complete the following steps.


  1. Click the Administration icon in the main menu bar of the Report Builder new user experience page. This action takes you to the Administration settings page.
  2. Click Advanced properties to view a categorized list of properties. Most properties are editable, but some internal properties, which are shown for reference that cannot be edited. Each property displays the following information:
    Column name Description

    This column displays a label for property and the actual property name.

    Click the property label to display a tooltip that contains additional information.


    This column refers to the currently configured value. If no value is entered, the default value is used.

    Default value

    This column displays the value that the system uses if no other value is entered.

    When changes take effect

    This column indicates whether any further action is required for the change to take effect.

    Dynamic means that the change will automatically take effect, after Advanced properties is saved, with no further action.

    Restart means that the change, after Advanced properties is saved, requires a server restart to take effect.

    Alternatively, administrators can use the properties in the JTS_install_dir/server/conf/rs/ file to configure how Report Builder operates.
    Note: When you configure properties, ensure to stop Report Builder, modify the required property in the JTS_install_dir/server/conf/rs/ file, and then restart Report Builder for the changes to be applied.
    Table 1. Properties for configuring Report Builder
    Category Property Description
    General connection properties Define the maximum HTTP connections.

    The default value of this property is 500 connections.

    http.max.connections.route Define the maximum HTTP connections per route.

    The default value of this property is 250 routes.

    jdbc.max.connections.dw Define the maximum JDBC connections per data warehouse.

    The default value of this property is 250 connections.

    connectionTimeout The connection timeout is in seconds.

    The default value of this property is 60 seconds.

    socketTimeout The socket timeout for requests sent to the LQE is in seconds.

    The default value of this property is 601 seconds.

    keepAlive Setting keepAlive to true sets the keepAlive flag on the connection while you are running a query against LQE.

    The default value of this property is False.

    Automatically set internal properties appName The application name is automatically set during setup.
    server.root.url The server root URL is automatically set during setup.
    authenticationEnabled Authentication must always be enabled.

    The default value of this property is True.

    authenticationType The authentication type must be either authtype.jts or authtype.jsa.

    The default value of this property is authtype.jts.


    The JSA server URL is automatically set during setup.


    The JSA client key is automatically set during setup.


    The JTS root URL is automatically set during setup.


    The JTS discovery URL is automatically set during setup.


    The OAuth consumer key is automatically set during setup.

    Limit and timeout properties query.size.limit

    Controls the SQL query string length. The length is unlimited when you set the value to -1. If you set the value to 0, the default value of 100000 is specified.

    query.results.limit Controls the maximum number of query results to return.

    The default value of this property is 5000.

    query.results.excel.limit Controls the maximum number of query results to export.

    The default value of this property is 20000 records.

    Note: The default value query.results.excel.limit=20000 must not be increased for the Report Builder querying your primary Lifecycle Query Engine server. If this recommendation is not followed, it might result in performance delays and server instability.
    query.results.lqe.timeout Controls the cache timeout for Lifecycle Query Engine query results.

    The default value of this property is 120 seconds.

    query.results.dw.timeout Controls the cache timeout for Data Warehouse query results.

    The default value of this property is 300 seconds.

    user.account.cache.timeout Defines the cache timeout for user account data.

    The default value of this property is 300 minutes. Controls the Lifecycle Query Engine query execution timeout. The administrator can set this property based on the environment.

    The default value of this property is 600 seconds. The read timeout in seconds when reading data from the data warehouse.

    The default value of this property is 600 seconds.

    enumeration.results.limit Controls the maximum number of results that are returned for enumerations.

    The default value of this property is 1500.

    componentFilter.maximumNumberOfResults Specifies the maximum number of components that are displayed in the Choose a component list of the Choose a configuration dialog box.
    Note: The Choose a configuration dialog box appears on the Run report page when users run reports with Lifecycle Query Engine scoped by a configuration as the data source.

    The default value of this property is 1000. This property is used if the application property is not defined.

    configurationPicker.maximumNumberOfResults Specifies the maximum number of configurations that are displayed in the Choose a configuration dialog.

    The default value of this property is 1000. This property is used if the application property is not defined.

    metaModelManager.numberOfThreads The number of threads used by a type system collection.

    The default value of this property is 3 threads.

    metaModelManager.numberOfComputationStatuses The size of type system refresh history.

    The default value of this property is 3.

    metamodelType.shapeEnumData.maximumNumberOfUris Shape enumeration data maximum number of URIs.

    The default value of this property is 1000 URIs. Specifies the maximum cache age in seconds for LQE data source status. If an existing cache entry is older than this value, then the latest status is fetched from LQE and the cache is updated, otherwise the cached entry is used.

    The default value of this property is 60 seconds.

    document.import.limit The maximum size in bytes of the compressed file used to import reports.

    The default value of this property is 10485760.

    Server setup and maintenance properties metamodel.autorefresh.time Defines the time when the type system model refresh task must run initially.

    The default value of this property is 6:00AM.

    metamodel.autorefresh.repeat.inminutes Defines the number of minutes between two runs of the type system model refresh task.

    The default value of this property is 720 minutes.

    jena.tdb.backup.interval Defines the Jena TDB database auto-backup interval.

    By default, this property is set to a value of 360 minutes.


    Specifies the database folder path. If this property is not configured, the database is created in the configuration location.

    MetaDataLocation Specifies the metadata folder path.

    The default value of this property is null.


    Enforces a specific on-screen language in the user interface instead of relying on the user's browser locale selection. The language tag must be in the IETF BCP47 format: en-US, ja, es, fr, pt-BR, and so on. Specifies whether the direct file mode must be used when Jena TDB corruption occurs due to database file mapping.

    The default value of this property is false. Set this property to true to use the direct mode instead of mapped mode. Specifies whether email notifications must be sent to users when scheduled report generation completes or fails.

    The default value of this property is true.

    monitor.system.queries Enable this property to monitor type system and other nonreport queries.

    The default value of this property is False.


    Enables you to add the web logout URL to which you want to redirect during the logout process.


    The last time user information that is stored in Report Builder was synchronized with the Jazz® Team Server.

    Query generation properties support.query.editing Enable the property to allow editing of queries in reports.

    The default value of this property is False.

    large.project.query.optimization Selects the Defer scoping by projects with an alternative query checkbox that is available on the Advanced section of the report Format results page, when the value is set to true. Selecting the checkbox generates an alternative query that filters on artifacts first before scoping by projects. Users can use this option if the data has many projects in the Limit the scope section.

    The default value of this property is false.

    Note: The Defer scoping by projects with an alternative query checkbox appears only when the user selects Lifecycle Query Engine or Lifecycle Query Engine scoped by a configuration as the data source for creating reports.
    optimize.query.relationship.statements Selects the Defer finding relationships with an alternative query checkbox that is available on the Advanced section of the report "Format results" page, when the value is set to true. Selecting the checkbox generates an alternative query that filters on source artifacts before finding relationships. Users can use this option if the data has one-to-many relationships in the Artifacts relationships section..

    The default value of this property is false.

    Note: The Defer scoping by projects with an alternative query checkbox appears only when the user selects Lifecycle Query Engine or Lifecycle Query Engine scoped by a configuration as the data source for creating reports.
    default.filter.workitem.links Filters work item links to versioned artifacts when new reports are created with configuration aware data sources.

    The default value of this property is false.

    allow.sql.with.clause Allow the use of the WITH clause in custom SQL.

    The default value of this property is False. Disable the special handling of Rhapsody® Model Manager tag inheritance and only expose local tags.

    The default value of this property is False.

    cache.config.hierarchy Bypass LQE when caching the configuration hierarchy. This requires Report Builder to have write permissions to the database.

    The default value of this property is False. Displays the Settings icon Settings Icon on the Filters list box when set to true. The user can click the Settings icon Settings Icon and select the Data completeness check checkbox to run a completeness check for skipped, failed patches, or missing resources in Lifecycle Query Engine (Lifecycle Query Engine) that slow down report execution.
    Note: The Data completeness check checkbox can be displayed only when users run reports with Lifecycle Query Engine scoped by a configuration as the data source.

    The default value of this property is false.

    lqe.dw.trs.default SQL is selected by default for new reports and represents the new relational data store. Toggle this option to use the SPARQL solution as default.

    The default value of this property is True.


    The query hint value is injected in the main generated SQL select statement.


    The query hint value is injected in the access context part of the generated SQL select statement.


    The query hint value is injected in the configuration scoping part of the generated SQL select statement.

    keepLeftJoins This disables an optimization that replaces certain left joins with inner joins.

    The default value of this property is False.

    useTempTables Enforce the use of Db2 temporary tables in the generated SQL.

    The default value of this property is False.

    User interface properties ui.undo.timeout For UI operations that can be undone, the duration to show that the undo notification must be a value between 0 and 30 seconds.

    The default value of this property is 10 seconds.

    productToursEnabled To enable tours, set the toggle to True, and reload the page.

    The default value of this property is True. Enforce the use of optimized report search.

    The default value of this property is True.

    Others Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous schedules runs allowed.

    The default value of this property is 10.

    Retains the map of configuration aware data sources and the query to find configurations on that data source. Controls the duration in which the components and configurations are displayed in the Choose a configuration dialog for a selected project area.

    The default value of this property is 60 seconds. You can specify any value based on your requirements.

    disable_secure_cookies Determines whether the https secure cookie is disabled in the OpenID Connect (OIDC) authentication protocol single sign-on (SSO) mode or not.

    The default value of this property is false. Defines the maximum draft report modified age value, which is used to delete draft reports whose age is before(including) (Today(start of the day)- Max modified age).
    The default value of this property is 15 days. A value of 0 indicates that the property is not initialized.
    Note: The property's value cannot be less than the default, so the value is automatically reset to default if a lesser value is defined.
    enable.javascript.debug Debugs the JavaScript user interface when the value is set to true. You can set and press breakpoints, attach the debugger, inspect variables, view the call stack, and use other debugging features.

    The default value of this property is false.

    endpointAdminUsers Specifies a comma-separated list of the administrators.

    The default administrator user's username is the default value of this property.

    export.result.default.dir Specifies the default directory on the file system to save the exported results.

    When this property is not set, the default directory is server/conf/rs/ExportResults. During the upgrade, the data is copied to the new Engineering Lifecycle Management through the Report Builder upgrade script.

    If the user sets this property, then the default ExportResults location is overridden by the user-defined path, such as c:\IBM\ELM703\server\conf\rs in the conf/rs/ The export results data is stored in this path. During the upgrade, the ExportResults folder data is not copied automatically through the upgrade script. The user needs to perform this process manually.


    Specifies whether the client certificate is enabled or not. When Jazz server authentication is enabled in your Report Builder and while exporting a report an error is produced, set this property as false. Check whether the value of the flag under this property that is basicAuthenticationEnabled is changed to false. If yes, then export the report, else first change the value to false and then export the report.


    Species whether the out-of-the-box (OOTB) reports must be automatically imported on startup or not when the application is being upgraded. To set this property to true, you must specify the importReportsOnStartup parameter as true when you run the upgrade script. When the import of reports is complete, this property is automatically reset to the default false value.


    Determines whether the OOTB reports must be imported or not. This property is automatically set to true when the upgrade script is run and set to false when the importing of reports is complete. Specifies the date of the last successful Jena TDB database backup.
    Note: The value of the property must not be modified.
    query.results.memory.caching Disables disk caching and allows only the use of memory caching when the value is set to true and enabled. Administrators can set this property to improve performance. When enabled, all type system model queries use memory caching and no cache result file is created on disk.

    The default value of this property is false.

    rs.allowed.outbound.url.list Enables validation on URLs to which Report Builder attempts to connect. The property validates by checking whether the target URL starts with the specified allowed URLs.
    Note: Add this property to the JTS_install_dir/server/conf/rs/ file to enable validation on outbound URLs.

    You can specify more base URLs when Report Builder uses an Lifecycle Query Engine data source that is registered to a different JTS server.

    Specify URLS as follows:

    rs.allowed.outbound.url.list= https://server_name1:port1, https://server_name2:port2, https://server_name3:port3, https://server_name4:port4

    • Specify the URL as https://server_name:port/application_name format to allow a specific application. For example, ccm can be the application name.
    • Specify the URL in the https://server_instance_name:port/ format to allow all applications on a specific server instance. For example, can be the server instance.
    • Specify the URL in the https://part_of_the_server_name:port/ format to allow all servers with names that begin with the server name specified, for example, elm.

    When the value of this property is blank, it validates against the URL of the friend application that is specified in the IBM® Jazz Team Server to which Report Builder is registered.

    selective.tracing.enabled Controls whether loggers specific to each named type system model, meta type, and meta property must be used to support selective tracing on those named elements.

    The default value of this property is false.

    selective.tracing.stacktrace.depth Controls how many lines of partial stack trace must be logged when selective tracing is enabled.

    The default value of this property is 5.

    show.local.configs Controls if the local configurations must always be shown in the Choose a configuration dialog or not. By default, the local configurations that are a part of global configurations are hidden in the Choose a configuration dialog.
    Note: The Choose a configuration dialog appears on the Run report page when users run reports with Lifecycle Query Engine scoped by a configuration as the data source.

    The default value of this property is false.

    soft.delete.visible Determines records that are soft deleted from IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management, in the Data Warehouse data source, are visible or not.

    The default value of this property is true.

    support.db.derby Specifies whether the Derby database types must be supported or not.

    The default value of this property is false.

    query.history.max.entries Specifies the maximum size of query history. The maximum size of query history must be a value between 1000 and 1000000. The default value of query.history.max.entries is 10000. If query history maximum age value is nonzero, then query history maximum size value is ignored.
    Note: If both Maximum size of query history and Maximum age of query history in days are set, then Maximum age of query history in days takes precedence.

    Specifies the maximum age of query history in days. The maximum age of query history must be a value between 0 and 365 days. By default, the value of the maximum age of query history is blank. If nonzero, then query history maximum size value is ignored.

    Specifies cache report results per user. The default value of is false. If the value is set to true, the report results are cached for each individual user. The same report result is not shared by more than one user, which improves the tracking of report data usage.

  3. Modify the values of properties as needed and click Save to update the changes.
  4. Depending on the properties that were changed, a server restart might be required. Refer to the When changes take effect column given in the table in step 2, for each changed property for more information.
  5. Optional: If you want to revert a property to the default value, clear the value from the field and click Save.