Moving data from LQE or Link Index Provider

The Lifecycle Query Engine (LQE) or Link Index Provider (LDX) data that is saved on the local file system consists of the index directories and several configuration files for the application. The index directories contain all the artifacts from the data source, merged artifacts, historical metrics that are created for trend reporting, and a version index that is used internally. The artifacts from the data sources are stored in the indexTdb directory and the historical metrics are stored in the historyTdb directory. Also, the merged artifact types are stored in the shapeTdb directory and the version information is stored in the versionTdb directory. If you do not have enough space for the indexed data on the drive where LQE or LDX is located, you can move the data to a new location on a different drive.

Remember: You must move the lqe.config.location or ldx.config.location environment variable to the new location.

About this task

The data that is indexed by LQE or LDX contains indexes and properties in configuration files that require large amount of hard disk storage. As the data size in LQE or LDX increases, you might want to move the data set to a new disk location with extra space.
Important: You might require extra space to move LQE or LDX data. Contact your system administrator for assistance.

As an administrator to move data from LQE or LDX to another location, complete the following steps:


  1. Back up the LQE or LDX data. For more information, see Backing up and restoring Lifecycle Query Engine and Link Index Provider.
  2. Stop the LQE or LDX server.
  3. Create a directory on the hard disk drive where you want to move the data.
  4. Copy all data from server_install_directory (/server/conf/lqe or /server/conf/ldx) directory to new directory created on the hard disk drive.
    Important: If the Java™ JRE environment variable is specified, modify it. Otherwise, add the following Java™ JRE environment variable:
    • For LQE server

      -Dlqe.config.location = file:///<<new location of the /server/conf/lqe directory>>

      For example,
      -Dlqe.config.location = file:///D:/IBM/LQE/conf
    • For LDX server

      -Dldx.config.location = file:///<<new location of the /server/conf/ldx directory>>

      For example,
      -Dldx.config.location = file:///opt/IBM/LDX/conf
  5. Start the LQE or LDX server.
    Important: If the location is changed, ensure that the lqe.config.location or ldx.config.location environment variable is updated.