Configuring resource group

Resource Groups are the applications containing the data that you want to collect and register in DCC to run data collection jobs against.

About this task

DCC supports collecting data from the following Engineering Lifecycle Management applications:
  • Jazz Team Server
  • Engineering Requirements Management DOORS® Next
  • IBM® Engineering Workflow Management
  • IBM Engineering Test Management
And from the following non-Engineering Lifecycle Management applications: In addition, there is a special resource group, which is the data warehouse. This data warehouse is needed as a data source to create the fact and dimension tables for the data-mart. Under the Reporting Data Warehouse Database section, the username, password, and URL to the data warehouse must be specified.

Before data collection jobs are run, the applications must be registered in DCC as resource groups. Resource groups are automatically configured for Engineering Lifecycle Management applications and data warehouse that are registered on the same Jazz Team Server as DCC. For Engineering Lifecycle Management applications, you can discover applications that are registered with a local or external Jazz Team Server or you can manually add the resource groups. For non-Engineering Lifecycle Management applications, you must manually add the resource groups.


  1. On the left-pane of the DCC application, under the Configuration section, select the Resource Group Configuration link.
  2. To automatically detect applications that are registered with your Jazz Team Server, on the Resource Group Configuration page, click Discover. You can discover Engineering Lifecycle Management applications on either a local or remote Jazz Team Server one at a time, however you can repeat this step to register a mixture of local and remote resource groups:
    • To discover Engineering Lifecycle Management applications on a local Jazz Team Server:
      1. In the Add Resource Group window, you can view the list of Engineering Lifecycle Management applications local to your Jazz Team Server where DCC is also registered. By default, under the Application Instance column, the checkboxes are selected because the local Engineering Lifecycle Management applications have been automatically added as resource groups, and ready for running data collection jobs against them.
    • To discover Engineering Lifecycle Management applications on a remote Jazz Team Server:
      1. On the Add Resource Group window, select the Use an external JTS to discover applications checkbox. This checkbox discovers Engineering Lifecycle Management applications that are registered on a remote machine that is hosted in an external Jazz Team Server.
      2. In the JTS Root Uri field, specify the location of the external JTS: https://<hostname>:<port>/jts. For example:
      3. Click Discover to display a list of Engineering Lifecycle Management applications registered on the external Jazz Team Server on a remote machine.
      4. For example, under the Application Instance column, select the following list of checkboxes to the Engineering Lifecycle Management applications on the remote machine to add as a resource group for collecting and running data collection jobs:
        • /rm
        • /qm
        • /ccm
      5. Click OK.
      6. Back on the Resource Group Configuration page, under each of the product groups you can see the resource groups that are added.
  3. To manually detect applications that are registered with your Jazz Team Server:
    Tip: If you want to add only Engineering Lifecycle Management applications as resource groups, you can skip this step if you already automatically detected and discovered the applications from the previous step. However, you must complete this step if you want to add non-Engineering Lifecycle Management applications as resource groups.
    1. On the Resource Group Configuration page, choose and expand one of the product groups that you want to add as a resource group.
    2. Click Add. A resource group entry is added under the selected product group.
    3. Expand the resource group entry that was added under the product group.
    4. Configure the location of the resource group by specifying the URL to the application registered on your Jazz Team Server. For example:
      Jazz Team Server
      Quality Management (QM)
      Change and Configuration Management (CCM)
      DOORS Next
  4. For each of these resource groups that was added, specify the additional configuration details, such as the authentication type, version, and unique identifier:
    • In the Authentication type list, select the authentication setting of the resource group. The valid values are Username and Password, OAuth-JTS, or Jazz Security Architecture SSO:
      Username and Password
      When you select Username and Password as the authentication type, the Username and Password fields are displayed. In the Username field, specify the user name of the resource group. And in the Password field, specify the password of the resource group.
      When you select OAuth-JTS as the authentication type, the Consumer key and Secret fields are displayed. In the Consumer key field, specify the consumer key that is obtained from the Jazz Team Server.
      To obtain the consumer key from the Jazz® Team Server:
      1. Go to the local Jazz Team Server. In Friends(outbound), add a friend list for the remote ccm server with the following information, and click Next:
        • Root Services URI: https://<remoteccmhostname><:portnumber>/<ccm>/rootservices
        • Name
      2. Set the OAuth Secret as enable trusted, and click Create friend.
      3. Click Finish.
      4. On the remote ccm, Consumer(inbound) page, approve the pending request under provisional keys session, click Save.
      5. On local Jazz Team Server, grab the consumer key and its corresponding secret created for the remote ccm server created in Step1 under the friends bound. Use this key as the consumer key for DCC that is the resource group to be added for the remote ccm server.
      And in the Secret field, specify the secret of the consumer key.
      Tip: If the resource group is local to your Jazz Team Serverwhere DCC is also registered, the Consumer key and Secret fields are automatically complete with the values configured when the application was registered and finalized during the Jazz Team Server setup.
      Jazz Security Architecture SSO
      This option is available if you enabled Jazz Security Architecture single sign-on (SSO) authentication on all Jazz applications.
    • In the Version field, specify the version-level of the resource group. For example, type 6.0 or 5.0 for the release of (Engineering Lifecycle Management), or for the release of DOORS .
    • In the Unique Identifier field, specify a globally unique identifier that must never be changed in the future. This identifier is used to fill in the SOURCE_ID column of most data warehouse tables. For example "_8_QnwBLoEd2rmrYM7OkLOA". You can use a GUID generator such as to generate a unique identifier to copy and paste into that field.
    Remember: Under the Reporting Data Warehouse Database section, there is a special resource group which is the data warehouse. This data warehouse is needed as a data source to create the fact and dimension tables for the data-mart. You must configure the warehouse by specifying the username, password, and URL to the data warehouse. For example for a Derby data warehouse, specify the following configuration settings:
    • Relational Database Type: Derby Client
    • URL: //localhost:1527/conf/jts/derby/warehouseDB
    • For the User name and Password, keep the default value to none.
    • For the Version, select the version-level of the resource group from 6.0 or 5.0 release.
  5. Click the Test Connection link for each of the resource group that was added.
    • A successful connection to the resource group displays the following message: Successfully connected to the resource group.
    • A failed connection to the resource group displays the following message: Failed to connect to the resource group. For more details, click the show details link.
  6. Remember to click Save in the Resource Group Configuration page to avoid losing your newly added settings.