Configuring dashboard templates in the process

When a new dashboard is created, it checks whether there is a template that is registered for the particular dashboard type. Default templates are specified on the server, but project administrators can override them by placing a template in the project's process specification.

About this task

Note: This feature is available only for Engineering Workflow Management and you must have permission to save the project area.


To create a dashboard template in the process specification:

  1. In the Team Artifacts view of the Eclipse IDE, right-click the project area, and click Open.
  2. Click the Process Configuration tab at the bottom of the editor.
  3. In the Configuration section, click Project Configuration > Configuration Data > Dashboards > Dashboard Templates.
  4. In the Dashboard Templates list, select the template to edit.
    Screen capture of Dashboard template list with available templates and associated properties area.
  5. Click Add page to add one or more pages to your template.
  6. Click Add column to add one or more columns in each page.
  7. Click Add viewlet to add one or more widgets in each column.
  8. Configure the widgets with the provided fields. If the widgets have preferences, use the Preferences tab to set their values. To see a description of a preference, hover over the preference label. For example, the image below shows the hover help for the Items to show preference.
    Screen capture of Widget chooser entries in the project process configuration
    To configure preferences for an Events widget, such as the Project and Team Events widget, enter any of the following options in the Types to show field:
    • dashboard
    • news
    • reports
    • changes
    • stream
    • process
    • workitems
    • build
    Use this syntax to specify the options: ["option","option",…]. For example:


Valid mementos for the dashboard templates

When the content of a widget is edited in a dashboard, the data is stored in a data object called a memento as part of the dashboard repository item. It is possible to pre-configure widgets in dashboard templates with the initial content as if the user already edited them. When you edit the template with the process editor, you can specify the memento objects that are used as the initial content. The following table lists the widgets that support mementos and the valid memento structures expected by these widgets to correctly configure them in templates:

Table 1. Widgets that support memento and the valid memento structure
Widget Expected memento structure Example
Work Item Queries A single property queryStringIds with one or more value children (one for each predefined query id).
Screen capture of Memento structure example for Work Item Queries widget
HTML A single property html with the value that represents the raw HTML markup.
Screen capture of Memento structure example for HTML widget
Bookmarks A property bookmarks containing one or more child memento objects. Each child memento captures one bookmark with the following properties:
  • title: Type: String. The title of the bookmark.
  • href: Type: String. The URL of the bookmark.
  • id: Type: Integer. A 1-based index of the bookmarks in the list.
  • category: Type: String. A name of the category that this bookmark belongs to.
  • description: Type: String. A short description of this bookmark.

A property nextId of type Integer must contain the next index (one higher than the highest index specified in the bookmarks).

Screen capture of Memento structure example for Bookmarks widget
Headlines A multi-page widget containing one or more child memento objects. Each child memento captures one headline with the following properties:
  • pages: Type: String.
  • title: Type: String. The title of the page.
  • text: Type: String. Text contained in the page.
  • titleColor: Type: String. Color of the title