Registering consumer keys

You can register the OAuth consumer's secret to create a new consumer key.

Before you begin

You must be a member of the JazzAdmins group.


  1. Log in to the Administration page of the Jazz® Team Server or an application that is registered with the server.
    • For the Jazz Team Server:
      1. Point your web browser to https://fully qualified hostname:9443/jts/admin
        Remember: The fully qualified hostname is the host name along with the DNS domain reference of the computer where the Jazz Team Server is installed.
      2. On the Administration page, click the Server tab.
    • For an application registered with the server:
      1. Point your web browser to https://fully qualified hostname:9443/application/admin to access the application, where application is one of the following values:
        • ccm for Engineering Workflow Management
        • dcc for Data Collection Component
        • gc for Global Configuration Management
        • qm for Quality Management
        • relm for IBM® Engineering Lifecycle Optimization Engineering Insights
        • rm for Requirements Management
      2. On the Administration page, click the Server tab.
  2. In the Communication pane, click Consumers (Inbound).
  3. On the OAuth Consumers page, in the Register Consumer section, type a consumer name to identify the server that uses the consumer key.
  4. Optional: By default, the server generates a consumer key, but you can choose your own key by clicking Click here to pick the consumer key instead.
  5. In the Consumer Secret and Re-type Consumer Secret fields, type the consumer secret.
    Note: You can use a public key as the consumer secret. Set a public key by clicking Click here to use a public key instead.
  6. Optional: Select the Trusted check box.
    Note: Trusted consumers can share authorization with other trusted consumers and do not require user approval to access data.
  7. Click Register.
    The new key displays in the Authorized Keys section of the page. Another consumer can use the key with the specified secret to communicate with this server.