Step 2b. Showing the report as a graph

Report Builder picks the graph type based on your selections so far. Experiment to find the best graph type. Typically, line graphs convey trend information effectively, but you might find that a bar chart (stacked or grouped) works better with your data.


Before you can preview a graph, you must select a value for the unit of measure. You can also select the dimension.

  1. Enter the chart title.
  2. Select the category to show on the X-axis (horizontal), and enter a label name.
    Typically, you select what you want to measure.
    • If you use a date attribute in the Group data by attribute field, click Date scale, and choose what date range to show in the report: days, weeks, months, or years.
      Note: Drill downs on charts on the Run report page are not allowed when you group data by a calculated value attribute.
    • To show data gaps, select the Fill in gaps with zero value checkbox.
  3. Select the quantities or units to show on the Y-axis (vertical), and enter a label name.
    • Count all the results for the selected attribute, or select a unit to count. To compare different aspects of the value that you're measuring, select a dimension.
    • If you use numeric values, add lines or bar segments.
  4. Adjust what data points to show in the graph.
    • To show more data, click Attribute.
    • To add calculations, such as averages, sums, and counts, click Calculated Value.
      1. Select the artifact type, calculation, and the attribute for your calculation.
      2. To add other calculated values, click Add. Otherwise, click Add and Close.
    • To show the data in the form that you need, you can use attributes, and functions to build custom expressions.
  5. Adjust the graph.
    • Change the colors of the lines or bars on the graph to make the categories more visible, or to comply with conventions in your organization.
    • Combine line and bar chart segments to show the dimensions in your report. For each segment, specify the graph type: bar, line, or dashed line.
    • In time series reports you can add goal lines to compare the current state or values with target values. When you use the Add lines or bar segments for numeric measures option, click Goal line. Choose a bar, a solid line, or a dashed line. Use an angled, curved, or an S-curve trajectory for the goal line. You can add several goal lines to your chart.
    • In time series reports you can also add date lines to mark specific milestones. When you use the Add lines or bar segments for numeric measures option, click Date line and specify the date. For each date line, select the graph type for your date line: the default, line, or dashed line.
    • To show values, totals, or grids on the chart, click Graph type, and select the appropriate checkbox.
      Note: The Show grids checkbox is only applicable for line and bar graphs.
  6. When you finish arranging your report, click Continue.