DOORS Next professional reporting template self-service portal

In IBM® Engineering Requirements Management DOORS® Next on Cloud, you can use the self-service portal to access reporting templates.

About this task

Report Template Administration: These steps outline how to administer the report templates in the DOORS Next professional self-service portal.


  1. To access the read and write WebDav management of DOORS Next reporting templates, open a browser window and type your IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management URL with the context root /reporting, for example:
  2. You can use a tool such as CyberDuck or WinSCP to map WebDav drives to Windows. Both of these clients have been tested for this scenario, but IBM does not provide support for them. To map the WebDav drive to windows using CyberDuck:
    1. Download and install CyberDuck on your local machine.
    2. Click Open Connection.
    3. On the Open Connection page, complete the following steps:
      1. In the connection field, select TLSv1.2
      2. In the Server field, type your server name in the format origin-<MYURL>
      3. In the Port field, select the port number for your CLM SaaS connection.
      4. In the URL field, your URL should appear.
      5. In the Username field, type your username.
      6. In the Password field, type your password.
      7. In the Path field, type /reporting.
      8. Click Connect.
  3. On the This certificate is not valid page, click Continue.
  4. Once connected, you can browse and manage your reporting template files in the directories:
    • META-INF
    • templates
    • xmlschema

Mounting WebDav drive on Mac

You can mount the WebDav drive on your Mac.


  1. Open Finder.
  2. In the top menu click Go > Connect to Server:
    Connect to server
  3. In the Server Address field, type your reporting URL and click Connect:
    Server address
  4. Type your Engineering Lifecycle Management Username and Password:
    username and password
  5. You can now see the templates directory in Finder and you can to manage the files:
    Templates folder
  6. To disconnect, select the drive in Finder and click Disconnect.