Creating reports with Report Builder - popular samples
As a Report Builder user, you might come across the requirements that are mentioned in the following common or popular report creation scenarios.
Creating a traceability report to determine the test execution status of requirements
This sample scenario lists the steps to create a report on the current test results (passed or failed) of features (requirements) and user stories (requirements) tested by test cases and run by test execution records.

Creating a traceability report to show the most recently passed test case result for each requirement
This sample scenario lists the steps to create a report on the last passed test results of features (requirements) and user stories (requirements) tested by test cases and run by test execution records.

Creating a report to find requirements not validated by test cases
This sample scenario lists the steps to create a report on the requirements that are not validated by test cases in a particular stream of a component.
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Creating a report to find requirements that failed test execution
This sample scenario lists the steps to create a report on the requirements that failed test execution and their corresponding defects in a particular stream across projects within the same domain.
Before you begin

Creating a report to find test cases that await approval
This sample scenario lists the steps to create a report on test cases across projects that are yet to be approved.

Creating a report to show requirements with and without test cases in a pie graph
This sample scenario lists the steps to create a graph type report on requirements that have and do not have test cases.

Creating a report to show test plans available in configurations
This sample scenario lists the steps to create a report on test plans that are available in each configuration.
Before you begin

This report is focused on displaying local configurations that have test plans.
You can also start from a global configuration as the main artifact for the report. In the traceability section, show a Has Contributions traceability from the global configuration to local configurations, which contribute to it. From there, the rest of the report is same as the sample above, with traceability from the local configuration to the version resource and then to the Engineering Test Management test plan.
Creating a report to show change sets delivered to an iteration
This sample scenario lists the steps to create a report to show the change sets associated with a particular iteration. The report shows the work items that the change sets are associated with, along with the related requirements that get implemented by the work items, and the requirement collections that the requirements are part of. The report filters the results based on which work items were planned for Sprint 1.
Before you begin
Ensure that you have MTM sample with configurations enabled for RM, a Global Configuration (GC) project and component created, and the Engineering Requirements Management DOORS Next initial stream added to the GC component.
About this task