Creating reports with Report Builder - popular samples

As a Report Builder user, you might come across the requirements that are mentioned in the following common or popular report creation scenarios.

Creating a traceability report to determine the test execution status of requirements

This sample scenario lists the steps to create a report on the current test results (passed or failed) of features (requirements) and user stories (requirements) tested by test cases and run by test execution records.


  1. Open Report Builder.
    Go to http://<server_name>:<port>/rs. On the Reports page, click Build report.
  2. Choose a report type.
    • Click the Edit icon Edit and select Lifecycle Query Engine as the data source, click OK.
    • Ensure that the Current Data checkbox is selected.
    Click Continue.
  3. Limit the scope of your report by selecting which projects to report on.
    Select JKE Banking (Quality Management) - Engineering Test Management Project Area and JKE Banking (Requirements Management) - Engineering Requirements Management DOORS® Next Project Area and then, click Continue.
    Note: These project names are specific to the Money that Matters sample, which is used for this example. For more information, see Money that Matters sample.
  4. Choose an artifact.
    Under Requirements management, expand Requirement, and select Feature. Then, click Continue.
  5. Trace relationships and add artifacts.
    Create links from features to user stories, test plans, test execution records, and test results.
    1. Click Add a relationship and under Requirement, select Satisfied By (JKE Banking (Requirements Management)) and click OK.
    2. Under Requirement, select User Story Elaboration and click OK.
    3. Click Add a relationship and under QM Test Case, ensure that Validated By is selected and click OK.
    4. Select QM Test Case and click OK.
    5. Click Add a relationship and under Engineering Test Management Test Execution Record, select Run By and click OK.
    6. Click Add a relationship and under Engineering Test Management Test Result, select Current Test Case Result and click OK.
    The traceability path looks like this:
    Traceability path created from features to user stories, test plans, test execution records, and test results
    If you scroll to the right, the traceability looks like this:
    Traceability path created - a view after scrolling right
  6. Click Continue twice to navigate to the Format results page.
  7. Add test result verdict as an attribute column.
    1. Click Attribute.
    2. Select QM Test Result [Type: Test Case Result] from the Attributes of list.
    3. Select the Verdict checkbox and click Add.
  8. Click Continue and on the Name and share page, enter a report name and save the report.
  9. Click Continue to run the report.


The results display 32 requirement records regardless of their test result status.
Results of requirements regardless of their test execution status
If you scroll to the right, you can see that Verdict appears as the last column. Observe that requirements that passed and failed test execution are displayed.
Verdict column in which the status of the text execution appears

Creating a traceability report to show the most recently passed test case result for each requirement

This sample scenario lists the steps to create a report on the last passed test results of features (requirements) and user stories (requirements) tested by test cases and run by test execution records.


  1. Open Report Builder.
    Go to http://<server_name>:<port>/rs. On the Reports page, click Build report.
  2. Choose a report type.
    • Click the Edit icon Edit and select Lifecycle Query Engine as the data source, click OK.
    • Ensure that the Current Data checkbox is selected.
    Click Continue.
  3. Limit the scope of your report by selecting which projects to report on.
    Select JKE Banking (Quality Management) - Engineering Test Management Project Area and JKE Banking (Requirements Management) - Engineering Requirements Management DOORS Next Project Area and then, click Continue.
    Note: These project names are specific to the Money that Matters sample, which is used for this example. For more information, see Money that Matters sample.
  4. Choose an artifact.
    Under Requirements management, expand Requirement, and select Feature. Then, click Continue.
  5. Trace relationships and add artifacts.
    Create links from features to user stories, test plans, test execution records, and test results.
    1. Click Add a relationship and under Requirement, select Satisfied By (JKE Banking (Requirements Management)) and click OK.
    2. Under Requirement, select User Story Elaboration and click OK.
    3. Click Add a relationship and under QM Test Case, ensure that Validated By is selected and click OK.
    4. Select QM Test Case and click OK.
    5. Click Add a relationship and under Engineering Test Management Test Execution Record, select Run By and click OK.
    6. Click Add a relationship and under Engineering Test Management Test Result, select Last Passed Test Case Result and click OK.
    The traceability path looks like this:
    Traceability path created from features to user stories, test plans, test execution records, and test results
    If you scroll to the right, the traceability looks like this:
    Traceability path created to report on requirements that passed test execution - a view after scrolling right
  6. Click Continue twice to navigate to the Format results page.
  7. Add test result verdict as an attribute column.
    1. Click Attribute.
    2. Select QM Test Result [Type: Test Case Result] from the Attributes of list.
    3. Select the Verdict checkbox and click Add.
  8. Click Continue and on the Name and share page, enter a report name and save the report.
  9. Click Continue to run the report.


The results display 27 requirement records that last passed test execution.
Results of requirements that passed test execution
If you scroll to the right, you can see that Verdict appears as the last column. Observe that requirements that only passed test execution are displayed.
Verdict column in which the status of the text execution appears

Creating a report to find requirements not validated by test cases

This sample scenario lists the steps to create a report on the requirements that are not validated by test cases in a particular stream of a component.

Before you begin

Set up a Global Configuration project (GC Project Area) with a component (Wheel Assembly Component) containing the initial streams of the JKE Banking (Quality Management) - Engineering Test Management Project Area and JKE Banking (Requirements Management) - Engineering Requirements Management DOORS Next Project Area projects. Then, create a GC stream on the global component (Wheel Assembly Global Component v1.0).


  1. Open Report Builder.
    Go to http://<server_name>:<port>/rs. On the Reports page, click Build report.
  2. Choose a report type.
    • Click the Edit icon Edit and select Lifecycle Query Engine scoped by a configuration as the data source, click OK.
    • Ensure that the Current Data checkbox is selected.
    Click Continue.
  3. Limit the scope of your report by selecting which projects to report on.
    Select JKE Banking (Quality Management) - QM Project Area and JKE Banking (Requirements Management) - Engineering Requirements Management DOORS Next Project Area and then, click Continue.
  4. Choose an artifact.
    Under Requirements management, select Requirement. Then, click Continue.
  5. Trace relationships and add artifacts.
    Create links from requirements to test cases.
    1. Click Add a relationship. Ensure that Validated By is selected under Engineering Test Management Test Case and click OK.
    2. From the Relationship list, select Does not exist.
    The traceability path looks like this:
    Traceability path created from requirements to test cases and validated by relationship set to does not exist
  6. Click Continue thrice and on the Name and share page, enter a report name and save the report.
  7. Click Continue to go to the Run report page.
  8. Choose a configuration.
    1. In the Filters dialog, click to expand the Choose a configuration option and click Choose a configuration.
    2. Expand Choose a domain and ensure that Global Configuration Management is selected.
    3. Expand Choose a project area and select GC Project Area - GCM Project Area.
    4. Expand Choose a component and select Wheel Assembly Global Component.
    5. Expand Choose a configuration and click Search.
    6. Select Wheel Assembly Global Component v1.0 and click Accept.
  9. Click Run.


The results display 547 requirement records that are not validated by test cases.
Results of requirements that are not validated by test cases

Creating a report to find requirements that failed test execution

This sample scenario lists the steps to create a report on the requirements that failed test execution and their corresponding defects in a particular stream across projects within the same domain.

Before you begin

Set up a Global Configuration project (GC Project Area) with a component (Wheel Assembly Component) containing the initial streams of the JKE Banking (Quality Management) - Engineering Test Management Project Area and JKE Banking (Requirements Management) - Engineering Requirements Management DOORS Next Project Area projects. Then, create a GC stream on the global component (Wheel Assembly Global Component v2.5).


  1. Open Report Builder.
    Go to http://<server_name>:<port>/rs. On the Reports page, click Build report.
  2. Choose a report type.
    • Click the Edit icon Edit and select Lifecycle Query Engine scoped by a configuration as the data source, click OK.
    • Ensure that the Current Data checkbox is selected.
    Click Continue.
  3. Limit the scope of your report by selecting which projects to report on.
    Select JKE Banking (Quality Management) - QM Project Area and JKE Banking (Requirements Management) - Engineering Requirements Management DOORS Next Project Area and then, click Continue.
  4. Choose an artifact.
    Under Requirements management, select Requirement. Then, click Continue.
  5. Trace relationships and add artifacts.
    Create links from requirements to test cases, test execution records, test results, and defects.
    1. Click Add a relationship. Ensure that Validated By is selected under Engineering Test Management Test Case and click OK.
    2. Click Add a relationship and under Engineering Test Management Test Execution Record, select Run By and click OK.
    3. Click Add a relationship and under Engineering Test Management Test Result, select Current Test Case Result and click OK.
    4. Click Add a relationship and under Work Item, select Affected By Work Item. Click OK.
    5. Select Defect and click OK.
    Note: In this example, the relationship between QM Test Result and Defect is set to Required to create a report that shows only requirements, where the most recent test result is linked to a defect. You can change the relationship to Optional, if you want to show all the requirements whose most recent test result failed, regardless of whether a defect has been linked to it or not (and show the defect, if it has been linked to it).
    The traceability path looks like this:
    Traceability path created from requirements to test cases, test execution records, test results, and defects
    If you scroll to the right, the traceability looks like this:
    Traceability path created - a view after scrolling right
  6. Click Continue and set a condition.
    1. Click Add condition.
    2. Select QM Test Result [Type: Test Case Result] from the Attributes of list.
    3. Select the Verdict attribute, ensure that is is selected in the Verdict list, and select the Failed checkbox.
    4. Click Add and Close.
    Click Continue to navigate to the Format results page.
  7. Add test result verdict as an attribute column.
    1. Click Attribute.
    2. Select QM Test Result [Type: Test Case Result] from the Attributes of list.
    3. Select the Verdict checkbox and click Add.
  8. Click Continue and on the Name and share page, enter a report name and save the report.
  9. Click Continue to go to the Run report page.
  10. Choose a configuration.
    1. In the Filters dialog, click to expand the Choose a configuration option and click Choose a configuration.
    2. Expand Choose a domain and ensure that Global Configuration Management is selected.
    3. Expand Choose a project area and select GC Project Area - GCM Project Area.
    4. Expand Choose a component and select Wheel Assembly Global Component.
    5. Expand Choose a configuration and click Search.
    6. Select Wheel Assembly Global Component v2.5 and click Accept.
  11. Click Run.


The results display two requirement records that failed test execution and their corresponding defects.
Results of requirements that failed test execution
If you scroll to the right, you can see that Defect and Verdict appear as the last two columns. Observe that only requirements that failed test execution are displayed.
Defect and verdict columns appear with failed test results

Creating a report to find test cases that await approval

This sample scenario lists the steps to create a report on test cases across projects that are yet to be approved.


  1. Open Report Builder.
    Go to http://<server_name>:<port>/rs. On the Reports page, click Build report.
  2. Choose a report type.
    • Click the Edit icon Edit and select Lifecycle Query Engine as the data source, click OK.
    • Ensure that the Current Data checkbox is selected.
    Click Continue.
  3. For this report sample, the scope is not limited to specific projects. Click Continue.
    Note: When you do not select projects in the "Limit the scope" section, the report runs against all projects and displays the results from all the projects for which you have access. Limiting the scope to specific or smaller set of projects is more effective.
  4. Choose an artifact.
    Under Quality management, select QM Test Case. Then, click Continue twice.
  5. Set a condition.
    1. Click Add condition.
    2. Ensure that QM Test Result [Type: QM Test Case] is selected in the Attributes of list.
    3. Select the Has Workflow State attribute.
    4. Under Choose values, ensure that is is selected in the Has Workflow State list, and select the Draft and Under Review checkboxes.
      Observe that the value in the Has Workflow State list changes to is any of.
    5. Click Add and Close.
    Click Continue to navigate to the Format results page.
  6. Add Has Workflow State as an attribute column.
    1. Click Attribute.
    2. Ensure that QM Test Result [Type: QM Test Case] is selected in the Attributes of list.
    3. Select the Has Workflow State attribute.
    4. Click Add.
  7. Click Continue and on the Name and share page, enter a report name and save the report.
  8. Click Continue to run the report.


The results display 57 test cases that are awaiting approval.
Results of test cases awaiting approval

Creating a report to show requirements with and without test cases in a pie graph

This sample scenario lists the steps to create a graph type report on requirements that have and do not have test cases.


  1. Open Report Builder.
    Go to http://<server_name>:<port>/rs. On the Reports page, click Build report.
  2. Choose a report type.
    • Click the Edit icon Edit and select Lifecycle Query Engine as the data source, click OK.
    • Ensure that the Current Data checkbox is selected.
    Click Continue.
  3. Limit the scope of your report by selecting which projects to report on.
    Select JKE Banking (Quality Management) - Engineering Test Management Project Area and JKE Banking (Requirements Management) - Engineering Requirements Management DOORS Next Project Area and then, click Continue.
    Note: These project names are specific to the Money that Matters sample, which is used for this example. For more information, see Money that Matters sample.
  4. Choose an artifact.
    Under Requirements management, select Requirement. Then, click Continue.
  5. Trace relationships and add artifacts.
    Create two separate paths from requirements to test cases and append them.
    1. Select the Enable multiple paths or add other source artifacts checkbox.
    2. Click Add a relationship and under QM Test Case, ensure that Validated By is selected and click OK.
    3. Under Validated By click Add a relationship.
    4. Ensure that Append is selected. Click OK.
    5. In the new path, double-click Requirement and add 1 as a suffix to rename as Requirement 1.
    6. Repeat step 5b for Requirement 1 and from the Relationship list, select Does not exist.
    The traceability path looks like this:
    Two appended traceability paths created from requirements to test cases
  6. Click Continue twice to navigate to the Format results page.
  7. Add calculated value columns.
    1. Click Calculated Value.
    2. Select Requirement [Type: Requirement] from the Attributes of list.
    3. Ensure that the Count number of artifacts by URL calculation and All (Count all artifacts in the group) option are selected, and click Add.
    4. Select Requirement 1 [Type: Requirement] from the Attributes of list.
    5. Ensure that the Count number of artifacts by URL calculation and All (Count all artifacts in the group) option are selected, and click Add and Close.
  8. Rename the URL column of Requirement as Number of requirements which have a linked test case .
  9. Rename the URL column of Requirement 1 as Number of requirements which do not have a linked test case .
  10. Select Graph under Format.
  11. Select the Pie graph type.
  12. Ensure that Add lines or bar segments from numeric measures is selected under Y axis (vertical) and select the renamed URL columns.
  13. Click Refresh to preview the graph.
  14. Click Graph type: Pie and select the Show values checkbox.
  15. Click Graph type: Pie and select the Show totals checkbox.
    Image of the format graph section
  16. Click Continue and on the Name and share page, enter a report name, select Graph as the default visualization, and save the report.
  17. Click Continue to run the report.


The report is displayed in graph format.
Pie chart
If you hover over the pie chart segments, you can see the segment labels and number and percentage of requirement records.
Hover text on pie chart segment 1
Hover text on pie chart segment 2
Alternatively, you can scroll down to see the segment labels, number and percentage of requirement records, and total. There are 547 requirements that do not have test cases and 29 requirements that have test cases linked.
Pie chart's segment labels and total

Creating a report to show test plans available in configurations

This sample scenario lists the steps to create a report on test plans that are available in each configuration.

Before you begin

Ensure that you have MTM sample with configurations enabled for Engineering Test Management with few streams or baselines created.


  1. Open Report Builder.
    Go to http://<server_name>:<port>/rs. On the Reports page, click Build report.
  2. Choose a report type.
    • Click the Edit icon Edit and select Lifecycle Query Engine as the data source, click OK.
    • Ensure that the Current Data checkbox is selected.
    Click Continue.
  3. Limit the scope of your report by selecting which projects to report on.
    1. Select the List all project areas when reporting on configurations themselves checkbox
      Note: By default, only projects that are not enabled for configurations are displayed. If you select List all project areas when reporting on configurations themselves checkbox, configuration-enabled projects are included in the list.
    2. Select JKE Banking (Quality Management) - Engineering Test Management Project Area and then, click Continue.
      Note: A message appears on the screen, which explains about the selected option.
  4. Choose an artifact.
    Under Change and Configuration management, select Configuration and then, click Continue.
  5. Trace relationships and add artifacts.
    Create a path from configurations to version resources and test plans.
    1. Click Add a relationship and under Version Resource, select Selections and click OK.
    2. Click Add a relationship and under Some Resource, ensure that Is Version of is selected and click OK.
    3. Select QM Test Plan and click OK.
    The traceability path looks like this:
    Traceability path created from configurations to version resources and test plans.
  6. Click Continue two times to navigate to the Format Results page.
    Delete the Configuration Id column.
    Note: All of the configurations in this example report are local configurations, which do not have a configuration ID. Only global configurations have a configuration ID. This step is just to remove the column, which is empty of results.
  7. Click Continue to navigate to the Name and share page. Enter a report name and save the report.
  8. Click Continue to run the report.


The results display 12 test plans and the corresponding configurations.
Test plans available in each test plan

This report is focused on displaying local configurations that have test plans.

You can also start from a global configuration as the main artifact for the report. In the traceability section, show a Has Contributions traceability from the global configuration to local configurations, which contribute to it. From there, the rest of the report is same as the sample above, with traceability from the local configuration to the version resource and then to the Engineering Test Management test plan.

Creating a report to show change sets delivered to an iteration

This sample scenario lists the steps to create a report to show the change sets associated with a particular iteration. The report shows the work items that the change sets are associated with, along with the related requirements that get implemented by the work items, and the requirement collections that the requirements are part of. The report filters the results based on which work items were planned for Sprint 1.

Before you begin

Ensure that you have MTM sample with configurations enabled for RM, a Global Configuration (GC) project and component created, and the Engineering Requirements Management DOORS Next initial stream added to the GC component.

About this task


  1. Open Report Builder.
    Go to http://<server_name>:<port>/rs. On the Reports page, click Build report.
  2. Choose a report type.
    • Click the Edit icon Edit and select Lifecycle Query Engine scoped by a configuration as the data source, click OK.
    • Ensure that the Current Data checkbox is selected.
    Click Continue.
  3. Limit the scope of your report by selecting which projects to report on.
    Select JKE Banking (Change Management) - Engineering Workflow Management Project Area and JKE Banking (Requirements Management) - Engineering Requirements Management DOORS Next Project Area and then, click Continue.
  4. Choose an artifact.
    Under Change and Configuration management, select SCM Change Set. Then click Continue.
  5. Trace relationships and add artifacts.
    Select the Enable multiple paths or add other source artifacts checkbox and create three separate paths from SCM change sets to requirements and append them. The three paths when combined will show all SCM change sets which are associated with work items, along with their related requirements and requirement collections, if applicable. This could be accomplished using optional relationships instead of the multiple traceability. But splitting it into multiple paths and then appending those paths offers better report performance.
    Path 1: Create a path showing SCM change sets, which are associated with work items, which implement requirements that are part of a requirement collection.
    1. Click Add a relationship and under Work Item, ensure that Associated Work Item is selected and click OK.
    2. Click Work Item and then, click OK.
    3. Click Add a relationship and under Requirement, select Implements Requirement and click OK.
    4. Click Requirement and then, click OK.
    5. Click Add a relationship and under Requirements Collection, select Used By and click OK.
    6. Click Requirements Collection and then, click OK.
    Path 2: Create a path showing SCM change sets, which are associated with work items, which implement requirements that are not part of a requirement collection.
    1. Click Add a relationship under Used By and click OK.

      It generates SCM Change Set > Associated Work Item > Work Item > Implements Requirement.

    2. Click Add a relationship and under Requirements Collection, select Used By and click OK.
    3. Click Requirements Collection and then, click OK.
    4. From the Relationship list, select Does not exist.
    Path 3: Create a path showing SCM change sets, which are associated with work items, which do not implement any requirements.
    1. Click Add a relationship under Implements Requirement and click OK.

      It generates SCM Change Set > Associated Work Item > Work Item.

    2. Click Add a relationship and under Requirement, select Implements Requirement and click OK.
    3. Click Requirement and then, click OK.
    4. From the Relationship list, select Does not exist.
    Ensure to remove the suffixes 1 from the Implements Requirement relationships, Requirement artifacts, Used By relationship and Requirement Collection artifact.
    Note: Removing the suffixes ensures that the results from the three traceability paths appear in the same columns of the report.
    The traceability path looks like this:
    Traceability path created from SCM change sets to work items, requirements, and requirement collections
    If you scroll to the right, the traceability looks like this:
    Traceability path created - a view after scrolling right
  6. Click Continue and set a condition.
    1. Click Add condition.
    2. Select Work Item [Type: Work Item] from the Attributes of list.
    3. Select the Planned for attribute, ensure that is is selected in the Planned For list, expand Release 1.0, and select the Sprint 1 checkbox.
    4. Click Add and Close.
    Click Continue to navigate to the Format results page.
    The columns in the page look like this:
    The columns that appear in the Format results page
  7. Format the report columns.
    1. Remove the Project Area (SCM Change Set) column.
      Note: The Project Area (SCM Change Set) column is not necessary. In all the reports, scope is limited to a single Engineering Workflow Management project, so all of the results are from the same CCM project area.
    2. Add SCM Component (SCM Change Set) and Last Update Date (SCM Change Set) attribute columns.
    3. Rearrange the columns in this order: requirement collection columns, requirement columns, work item columns, and SCM change set columns.
    4. Specify a consecutive sort order (Sort type: descending) for the requirement collection, requirement, and work item columns.
    The columns in the page look like this after the modifications:
    The formatted columns
  8. Click Continue and on the Name and share page, enter a report name and save the report.
  9. Click Continue to go to the Run report page.
  10. Choose a configuration.
    1. In the Filters dialog, click to expand the Choose a configuration option and click Choose a configuration.
    2. Expand Choose a domain and ensure that Global Configuration Management is selected.
    3. Expand Choose a project area and select JKE Banking GC Project - GCM Project Area.
    4. Expand Choose a component and select JKE Banking GC Component.
    5. Expand Choose a configuration and click Search.
    6. Select JKE Banking GC Component Initial Development Baseline 1 and click Accept.
  11. Click Run.


The results display 27 change sets.
Change sets
If you scroll to the right, you can see that SCM Component (SCM Change Set) and Last Update Date (SCM Change Set) appear as the last two columns.
SCM Component SCM Change Set and Last Update Date SCM Change Set columns appear