Managing data sources in Publishing Document Builder

As an administrator or report designer, you can add and edit data sources for Publishing Document Builder. For example, you can update the password that is required to connect to a data source, set an authentication method, or specify a new location for a data source.

Before you begin

You must know the data source type, and depending on the type and vendor, the properties that are required to connect to it.

About this task

Data sources identify the location of the data stores that are used by reports.

Note: If a report has a data source, you must create a data source connection for each data source that the report uses. Otherwise, you cannot be able to generate the document-style report successfully.


  1. On the Resources tab, click the Connections tab.
  2. Click Add connection.
  3. Enter a Connection name for the data source.
  4. Enter a Description for the data source.
  5. In the URL field, specify the URL for the resource or click Select.

    To select artifacts from a specific configuration, first set Global Configuration (GC) URL in the configuration context. Then, select an artifact by using resource picker, else the resource picker displays the contents from a default stream of the selected project area.

    1. In Select connection URL window, complete the following fields and click Go.
      • Enter the Host IP/Address, port, and context root in Host Details field.
        Note: If the Publishing Document Builder is registered with a Jazz Team Server, then the JTS Server name is pre-populated in the host details field.
      • Select the common providers from the list.
      • Select the service catalog from the list. To select the RM artifact as in the URI property, select the oslc_rm option. To select configuration, as in the Configuration-Context property, select the oslc_config option.
      • Select the service provider from the list.
      • Select the selection dialog from the list.
      • Select the configuration from the list.
    2. In Enter connection credentials pop-up window, select the Authentication method from the following list, enter username and password, and click OK.
      • Auto
      • Basic
      • Form
      • OAuth
      • OAuth-OSLC
      • SSL certificate: If you choose SSL certificate, click + sign to add a certificate. In the Upload window, enter certificate name, description, select the certificate, and click Upload. These certificates are private and user-specific.
      Note: The user can specify the user password or the application password that is generated by the configured third-party identity provider, such as SAML or OIDC. User must select Basic authentication method while using application password.
      An embedded web browser displays the OSLC delegated dialog box for you to select the resource.
    3. Select a resource from the list and click OK.
      The URL is now displayed in URL field, further URL modification is not needed.

    For more information, see the video Resource picker and Simplified connection association.

  6. If you want to generate a document-style report for different configurations, see Setting up a data source to generate document-style reports about configurations.
  7. If you specify the URL for the resource in URL field, select the Authentication method from the list and enter your username and password:
    • Auto
    • Basic
    • Form
    • OAuth
    • OAuth-OSLC
    • SSL certificate: If you choose SSL certificate, click + sign to add a certificate. In the Upload window, enter certificate name, description, select the certificate, and click Upload. These certificates are private and user-specific.

      You can also upload an SSL certificate to the Enter connection credentials window. To upload a new SSL certificate, go to Resources > Connections > Add connection. In the URL field, click Select. In the Select Connection URL window, enter relevant information in the Host details field, then click Go. In the Enter connection credentials window, select Authentication Method as the SSL certificate, then click the + sign to add a Certificate. In the Upload window, enter the certificate name and description. Select the certificate, then click Upload. These certificates are private and user-specific.

    • If you select the URL for the resource using Select connection URL window, the Authentication method, Certificate (when you select SSL certificate as authentication method), and your credentials are populated.
    • The user can specify the user password or the application password that is generated by the configured third-party identity provider, such as SAML or OIDC. User must select Basic authentication method while using application password.
    • If you are generating a document-style report using JTS authenticated session, user credentials are not needed, and the Authentication method must be set to Auto.
  8. Enter any cookie properties.
  9. If required, enter an accept type for providing the data in Accept header field.
    • image/jpeg
    • text/html
    • application/xml
    • */*
  10. If required, select the POX profile header from Extra headers field. You can edit the profile of the extra headers through the editable text area against the Extra headers label. To add multiple extra headers, make sure to separate them by inserting each of the headers in a new line. Also, the added headers must be in the key:value pair format.

    For example, if you want to add OSLC-Core-Version: 2.0 in the POX profile header, insert OSLC-Core-Version: 2.0 in a new line in the text area of the Extra headers profile, as shown here:

    Link: <>; rel="profile"

    OSLC-Core-Version: 2.0

    The users are no longer restricted to choose from the listed header profile. They can add more headers, for instance, OSLC-Core-Version: 2.0, by using the same Extra headers field.

    To add a data source connection, click the Connections tab on the Resources tab and then click Add connection. Complete all the necessary details, including the extra header. For the extra header profile, if you select the POX profile header from the Extra headers drop-down menu, you can edit the Extra headers field and add the additional headers in the editable text area against the Extra headers label. While adding the extra headers, make sure to follow the key:value pair format.

    For more information, see Data source configuration element properties.
    Note: If you select the URL for the resource using Select connection URL window, the Extra headers field is populated with POX profile.
  11. If you are connecting to IBM® Engineering Requirements Management DOORS® , select the DOORS details checkbox.
    1. Specify the DOORS view.
      Views contain a subset of the objects or attributes that are in the module.
    2. Specify the DOORS baseline.
      Baselines are read-only versions of a module. A baseline captures and preserves a moment in time.
    3. Specify the DOORS data, for example -data port@doors_db_server.
    The DOORS client must be installed on the same server as the document generation service (dgaas.war). When document-style report generation is triggered, the document generation service starts the DOORS client in batch mode, extracts data from DOORS through DXLs, and then shuts down the DOORS client.
  12. Click Save.
  13. You can also edit and delete data source connections in the Connections tab.


The data source is shown in the list of data source connections that are used by reports. When you generate a document-style report, you are prompted to specify the data source.