Adding Report Builder reports to dashboards

You can add public reports to a dashboard. You can add the reports that your team creates, or the ready-made reports included with Report Builder.

Before you begin

  • The server that hosts the Jazz dashboard that you are adding reports to must have a friend relationship with the server that runs Report Builder.
  • To use the ready-made reports from Report Builder, a user with JazzAdmins or JazzProjectAdmins privilege or a report manager must activate them.
    Tip: When the reports are activated, they are imported into the Report Builder catalog and are public (the Privacy and sharing parameter is set to Public (publish to catalog and visible to everyone). If you do not see a report you expect in the list, confirm the catalog name with the Report Builder administrator or report manager who activated them.
  • You must have permission to edit the dashboard (personal, project, or team) that you are adding the report widgets to.

About this task

Widgets on dashboards in IBM® Engineering Lifecycle Management encapsulate reports from different technologies and can display reports from several sources:
  • OpenSocial gadgets that follow the standard
  • BIRT reports (Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools), which are used by Engineering Lifecycle Management

The ready-made reports that Report Builder provides are OpenSocial gadgets. On Jazz dashboards, these gadgets are called widgets.

You can add multiple instances of any report widget to a dashboard. For example, you might add instances of the Blocking Work Items widget to easily view this information for each your projects.

Note: If an administrator activates the ready-made reports again or upgrades the service, your copies of those widgets are updated automatically the next time you reload your dashboard or refresh the widget. The contents of your report in the widget might change, but your widget preferences such as widget title and selected filter values do not.


  1. On a Jazz dashboard, click Add Widget.
  2. From the Select Catalog menu, select the Report Builder repository that contains the report.
    Choose the Report Builder application
  3. In the Select Category list, select the category or tag for the report, or search for the report name.
    List of categories
  4. Click Add Widget below the report name.
  5. If the report has filters that you can select to refine its output, in the widget, select the values that you want to show in the report, and save.
  6. Optional: To use more than one instance of a widget on your dashboard, give each a unique name to identify it easily.
    Changing the title on the dashboard does not rename the report that is run. If the ready-to-use reports are upgraded or activated again, the content of your report might change. However, widget preferences such as the widget name and the values that you select for filters do not change.
    1. Click the Menu icon (Arrowhead pointing downward) in the widget title bar, and then click Appearance.
    2. Edit the Title field, and click OK.
  7. Close the widget chooser.
  8. If the Auto-save check box is not selected or if you do not see it, click Save to save the changes to the dashboard.

What to do next

As your project progresses, you can refine the output of reports by selecting different values for the filters in the report widgets.

Team members who see the reports on dashboards see only data from public project areas and the project areas that they belong to. They cannot see data from project areas that they cannot access. has several articles about restricting access to project areas. For an overview, see these pages: