Restricting read access to project areas or team areas

With a project area, you can control who has access to the project area, its team areas, and its artifacts, such as work items, iteration plans, test plans, requirements, builds, and files under source control.

Before you begin

You must have permission to modify the project area. This can be any one of the following:
  • A user whose role has permission to modify the project area.
  • A user who is an administrator of the project area.
  • A user who is granted either the JazzProjectAdmins or JazzAdmins repository group permissions.

About this task

When you create a project area in the project area editor, the default access control setting grants access to members of the project area and its team areas. When you create a project area by using the Lifecycle Project Administration tool, the default access control setting grants access to all users.


  1. Navigate to the project area in the administrative web interface. See Logging in for project administrators and team leads (web).
  2. From within the project area, click Access Control.
  3. Select one or more of the following options:
    • No one (repository administrators only) to grant access to only repository administrators (members of JazzAdmins).
    • Members of the project area hierarchy to grant access to all users who are members of the project area or one of its team areas.
    • Members of the project area hierarchy and users in the access list to grant access to all users who are members of the project area and to some other users. In the Users to be Added to the Access List section, click Add. Select the users to whom you want to grant read access. You do not need to add users who are members of the project area hierarchy.
    • Users in the access list only to grant access to a specific set of users. In the Users to be Added to the Access List section, click Add. Select the users to whom you want to grant read access. To revoke read access for a specific user, click Add in the Users to be Removed from the Access List section, then select the user for whom you want to revoke read access.
    • Search in the Browse Access List section to see all users in the access list. You can also search for a specific user in the list.
  4. Click Save to save your changes. None of the access changes takes effect until you save the project area.