Enabling Report Builder for Jazz Security Architecture single sign-on

In an environment where applications are hosted on multiple servers, you can simplify user access to those servers by implementing single sign-on (SSO). With SSO, users need to sing in one time to gain access to all servers and eliminate the need to authenticate again for each server. After you upgrade Report Builder to a version 7.0.3 release to use Jazz Security Architecture single sign-on (SSO) authentication, it must first be enabled.

Before you begin


Optional: If you do not require secure connections, before you run the setup wizard and enable SSO, you can disable the security settings and permit unencrypted connections to Report Builder, including user login credentials. Disabling SSL can create a security exposure where a malicious user within the network can attack the system. In non-SSL mode, add the following entry to the JTS_7.X_install_dir/server/conf/rs/app.properties file:


  1. In a web browser, open the Jazz Team Server Administration page: https://server:port/jts/admin.
  2. Under the list of registered applications, delete the Report Builder registration.
  3. Add the Report Builder application again with the same values.
  4. Go to the Report Builder data sources page.
  5. For each Lifecycle Query Engine data source connection, under Authentication type, select Jazz Security Architecture SSO.
  6. Click Test Connection and click Save.
  7. Restart the server. See Start the servers.