Archiving and restoring configurations

You can archive streams and baselines that are no longer in use so that they are not shown in the list of configurations. Archiving a configuration does not delete it; configurations cannot be deleted. Restore configurations to make them available for use by you or other team members.

Before you begin

  • Ensure that you are familiar with project areas, components (if supported), baselines, streams, and change sets (if supported).
  • Ensure that you are logged in to a project.
  • Configuration management capabilities must be enabled for the project.
  • You must have permission to archive configurations.

About this task

  • Archiving a configuration removes it from the list of active configurations. It is common to archive a configuration when team members no longer work in it, or if the configuration is not a flow target for other configurations.

    For example, you might archive a baseline that was created for a review, when the baseline is no longer required.

    Note: You can archive all the configurations of a component at the same time by archiving the component. See the related topics.
  • If the configuration is part of a global configuration, the tree view in the Global Configuration Management application shows a warning indicating that the local configuration is missing. You can either remove it from the tree view or replace it with another local configuration.
  • You cannot permanently delete components, streams, and baselines because artifacts reference these items. Removing the references would cause unexpected results.
  • Except for the IBM® Engineering Test Management application, you cannot archive a baseline if another configuration has a dependency on it, or you cannot archive a stream that is the flow target of another configuration.
  • Archived items are not included in search and query results and Report Builder reports.

IBM Engineering Test Management application

Archive items by using the Delete task. You can restore them from the Trash view later if you need them again.


  1. On the banner, click Administration Administration menu > Manage Components and Configurations.
  2. Navigate to the component that contains the configuration to archive or restore.
  3. Complete the following steps as needed.
    • To archive configurations:
      1. In the navigation pane, click the type of configuration to work with.
      2. From the Actions menu next to the configuration name, choose Delete configuration_type. The configuration is removed from the list. Team members can no longer work in this configuration or add it to global configurations.
    • To show archived configurations:
      1. Click Administration Administration menu > View Trash.
      2. From the View menu, choose the type of configuration to view (stream or baseline).
    • To restore configurations:
      1. Click Administration Administration menu > View Trash.
      2. From the View menu, choose the type of configuration to restore.
      3. From the Actions menu next to the configuration name, choose Restore configuration_type.
      4. To return to the list of components and configurations, click Administration Administration menu > Manage Components and Configurations.

IBM DOORS Next application

Archive and restore configurations from the configuration editor.


  1. On the banner, click Administration Administration menu > Manage Components and Configurations.
  2. Optional: Click Browse Components to navigate to the component that contains the configuration to archive or restore.
  3. Complete the following steps as needed.
    • To archive configurations:
      1. If the configuration to archive is of another component than the one that's shown, click Browse Components and choose the correct component.
      2. To archive a stream: From the Actions menu next to the stream to archive, choose Archive. The stream is removed from the list.
      3. To archive a baseline:
        1. On the Streams tab, click the stream name that the baseline was created from.
        2. On the Baselines tab, from the Actions menu next to the baseline to archive, choose Archive. The baseline is removed from the list.
    • To show or hide archived configurations:
      1. To show archived streams: On the Streams tab of the component editor, click Show the archived configurations Archive. All streams are shown.

        Archived streams are disabled and have a gray icon Gray stream icon next to their name.

      2. To show archived baselines:
        1. On the Streams tab of the component editor, click a stream name.
        2. On the Baselines tab, click Show the archived configurations Archive.

          Archived baselines are disabled and have a gray icon Gray baseline icon next to their name.

      To hide archived configurations, click Hide the archived configurations Hide.

    • To restore configurations:
      1. Complete the preceding steps to show archived configurations.
      2. From the Actions menu next to the configuration name, choose Restore.

        You can now see the configuration in the list. Team members can set it as their configuration context, work in the stream, and configuration leads can add it to global configurations.