Lifecycle Query Engine admin query diagnostic tab functions
The subtabs on the Query tab in Lifecycle Query Engine can be used to test or troubleshoot unexpected report results.
The query that you create returns results in a table that is sorted by a score that indicates how well each result matches the query. You can use this information to investigate the issues, such as data gap in report results. With diagnostic tab function, you can run your own SPARQL query directly to check what data Lifecycle Query Engine has indexed.
- On the Lifecycle Query Engine page, click the Query tab. The
following tabs are displayed:
- Returns the outcome of SPARQL query.
- Full text search
- Returns the outcome for any searched text.
- Named graph
- Returns the outcome of any resource.
- Permission checker
- Checks the permissions of any user.
For more information, see Query monitoring.
- To generate the query result, paste the query in the text box and click
Run. You can create your own SPARQL query if you want to get
what data Lifecycle Query Engine has indexed. You can also copy the generated query in the Report
builder. To find and copy a query in RB, build or open the saved report in the Report Builder and
copy the SPARQL query from .
- For SPARQL, and Full text search, the outcome is generated on the Lifecycle Query Result page with the links to the work items.
- For Named graph, the outcome of all the work items is displayed with the subject, predicate, and object columns.
- For Permission checker, the outcome is generated on the Access control URL, LQE type system
models permitted and RITRS schema permitted tabs.Note: You can see Named graph, and Permission checker tabs only if you enable Lifecycle Query Engine relational store.