Adding data providers to Lifecycle Query Engine by using root services documents

Any lifecycle management tool that supports the Tracked Resource Set (TRS) specification can be a data provider for the Lifecycle Query Engine index. If the lifecycle management application has a root services document that declares its OAuth URLs, you can register the TRS feed for that data provider by using the root services URL. This is an easy method for adding an Lifecycle Query Engine data provider if the application is registered with a different Jazz® Team Server than Lifecycle Query Engine. When Lifecycle Query Enginecommunicates with the TRS provider (the lifecycle management application), it authenticates directly with the application.

Before you begin

You must create an OAuth Consumer Secret/Key pair for Lifecycle Query Engine within the lifecycle management application. The inbound consumer must be trusted and it must have a functional user (lqe_user). The TRS Internal License must be assigned to the functional user. For more information, see Connecting Lifecycle Query Engine or Link Index Provider to applications that use a different Jazz Team Server.


  1. From the Lifecycle Query Engine administration page, go to Data Providers at http://<host_name>:<port>/lqe/web/admin/data-sources.
    This page shows the live status of the data providers Lifecycle Query Engine is connected to.
  2. Click Add Data Provider and select Root Services URL.
  3. Enter the root services document for the application you want to add. The format of the URL is: https://server:port/tool/rootservices.
    In the root services document, the data providers are listed in this format: https://server:port/tool/trs. Select the data provider that you want to add.
    Note: If the data provider that you need is not listed in the root services document, enter the service contribution resource (SCR) URL in the Root Services URL field. For example, to add the TRS 2.0 for DNG Resources data provider, enter https://server:port/rm/scr instead of the root services document.
  4. Add a label as an identifier for the data provider.
  5. Optional: The scheduling fields allow you to set when the initial indexing will occur. If you leave the fields blank, the index is created as soon as the wizard finished. In a test lab environment, Lifecycle Query Engine can index 50 000 artifacts in less than 1 hour. Depending on your hardware and configuration, you might experience a slower indexing rate.
    Note: You can index multiple data providers simultaneously. Each one runs on its own thread. Alternatively, you can schedule the initial indexing of multiple TRS data providers to run one after the other.
  6. Choose to specify the OAuth authentication, and click Next.
  7. On the Specify Authentication Details panel, enter the OAuth Consumer Key and Secret for the application.
    Authentication details panel
  8. Configure the data provider.
    Hover over the question marks next to the property labels to find out details about the properties and their values.
    • The refresh rate specifies how often Lifecycle Query Engine or LDX attempts to access the data provider to refresh the index. A data provider that is not updated frequently can have a slower refresh rate than a data provider that is updated continuously. Increasing the refresh rate has a performance impact.
    • The refresh rate specifies how often Lifecycle Query Engine or LDX attempts to access the data provider to refresh the index. A data provider that is not updated frequently can have a slower refresh rate than a data provider that is updated continuously. Increasing the refresh rate has a performance impact.
    • The number of threads to fetch artifacts when adding or reindexing the data provider should be between 2 and 4. Each thread is roughly equivalent to one user using the Lifecycle Query Engine or LDX server. On Intel systems, if you use more than 4 threads, the improvement in data retrieval speed is minimal.
    • The option to continue with change log processing if resources are skipped, allows Lifecycle Query Engine or LDX to log an error and continue indexing after encountering a resource that cannot be indexed. This option is selected by default. If you disable it, the indexing process stops when a resource cannot be indexed.

What to do next

To stop indexing a data provider, click the name of the data provider in the list, and click the Pause indexing icon.