Restoring data sources links in Link Index Provider

When installed for the first time, the Link Index Provider (LDX) application automatically detects and stores the information of data source links of different IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management (Engineering Lifecycle Management) applications. If the data source links of these applications are removed or re-created in LDX at a later stage, you can recover it easily.

  • Ensure that you understand how links between artifacts in different applications are managed after you activate and enable configuration management capabilities in at least one Requirements Management (RM) or Quality Management (QM) project area.

    For more information about link ownership and management, and which applications contribute to the link index, see Links across project areas after enabling configuration management.

The Link Index Provider application detects the data sources that are shown on the Data Sources page when:
  • You enable configuration management in at least one RM or QM project area.
  • You install the Global Configuration Management application.

The first time the index is built (when you enable configuration management for at least one QM or RM project area) can take a while, especially for a large project.

By default, the following data source links might appear on the Data Sources page after installation:
Example of the Data Sources page in the Link Index Provider

It is possible that the links might need to be recovered at a later point due to user error, or removal of links by accident.

  1. Log in to the Link Index Provider (LDX) application: https://server_alias:port/ldx.
  2. Browse to the data sources page: https://server_alias:port/ldx/web/admin/data-sources.
  3. Click Add Data Source.
    A window appears for selecting a data source.
  4. Required: Select Manual URL as an option for the Data Source property. Depending on the target application, in the Tracked resource set URL field, enter one of the following values:
    • For QM, https://server_alias:port/qm/trs2.
    • For CCM, https://server_alias:port/ccm/oslc/workitems/trs2.
    • For GCM, https://server_alias:port/gc/trs.
  5. Required: From the Type of artifacts in this feed, select the target application.
    For example, select Quality Management for QM, Change management for CCM, and Configuration Management for GCM.
  6. Required: Type a name in the Label field. It is not necessary to follow the standard naming convention, such as, link_qm, link_ccm, or link_gc.
  7. Specify Authentication details. If no authentication is needed, select the appropriate option.
  8. Click Test Connection to validate the details. If the results are successful, click Next to proceed for configuring the data source, or review your details for unsuccessful results.
  9. Review the property values. You can update the values as needed. Click Finish after your review is completed.
    The target application link is shown on the Data Sources page.