Generating a configuration workflow

When you finish checking the settings of the components you selected to configure, generate the work flow for the configuration you created.

About this task

On the configuration utility Customization panel, select option G to generate the configuration jobs and press Enter.
ELM configuration utility Generate configuration jobs option

On the next panel, select whether to generate the configuration workflow for the configuration you created, or to replace an existing configuration workflow for a configuration you have edited, and press Enter.

ELM configuration utility generation selection panel
On the next panel, select one of the following options:
  • Initialize a new workflow
  • Save the status and log information from the current configuration
Press Enter to proceed to a panel on which you can provide a name for the generated configuration. When you have entered the name of the configuration, press Enter.
When the generation of the configuration workflow is complete, the configuration utility Configuration selection panel displays the new or changed configuration. You can enter actions to work with the configurations listed on the panel.
ELM configuration utility configuration selection panel