Allowing users to register themselves

You can allow users to register themselves with the Jazz® Team Server; by default, an administrator must register users or you must wait for the Jazz Team Server user database and the external registry to synchronize.

Before you begin

You must have administrative access to the Jazz Team Server.

About this task

By default, if a user exists in the external registry (for example, LDAP) but not in the Jazz Team Server user database, if the user attempts to log in they will see an error. You can change this default behavior to create new users in the Jazz Team Server when a user logs in.


  1. Log in to the Administration page of the Jazz Team Server. In a web browser, navigate to https://[fully qualified hostname]:9443/jts/admin
    Remember: The [fully qualified hostname] is the host name along with the DNS domain reference of the machine on which the Jazz Team Server is installed.
  2. On the Administration page, click the Server tab.
  3. On the Server page, from the menu on the left, click Advanced Properties.
  4. In the section, click Edit.
  5. For the WS Allow Self Registration property, in the Current Value list, click True.
  6. Click Preview, and then click Save.

What to do next

Now when a user that exists in the external user registry but has not been added to the Jazz Team Server user database attempts to log in, the user will automatically be added to the Jazz Team Server user database.

After you log in, you can modify your profile; click your name in the upper-right, and from the drop-down menu click View my Profile and Licenses. You will not be able to modify your repository permission groups, licenses, or any information provided by the external registry. After you make any changes, click Save.

To automatically assign new users a license, see Assigning default licenses to new users.

After a user has been added to the Jazz Team Server user database, a project administrator can add that user to a project.