Lesson 8: Adding zFolders and associating them with data set definitions

A zComponent Project contains zFolders. You must associate all zFolders with z/OS® data sets. Perform the following steps to create the zFolders required for this tutorial.

About this task

Attention: You must already have created and be working within a zComponent Project to be able to add zFolders and associate them with data set definitions. Refer to the lesson on creating a shared zComponent Project for more information: Lesson 7: Creating a shared zComponent Project


  1. Expand your project in the Project Explorer view.
  2. Select the zOSsrc folder, right-click it to show the menu, then click New > zFolder.
  3. Specify COBOL as the zFolder name.
  4. Select the COBOL data set definition.
    This associates the zFolder with a data set definition. When the Ant with Enterprise Extensions build processes this zFolder, the values specified in the data set definition will be used to allocate the corresponding z/OS data set.
  5. Click Finish.
  6. Follow steps 1 through 5 to create a LINK zFolder and associate it with the LINK data set definition.