Installing and configuring the Build System Toolkit on z/OS systems

The Build System Toolkit, which is an optional component, can be installed on z/OS® by using the SMP/E installation process.

By default, the SMP/E installation process places the Build System Toolkit in the following directories:
  • @pathPrefix@/usr/lpp/jazz/v7.0.2/buildsystem
  • @pathPrefix@/usr/lpp/jazz/v7.0.2/ispfclient
  • @pathPrefix@/usr/lpp/jazz/v7.0.2/scmtools
  • @pathPrefix@/usr/lpp/jazz/v7.0.2/searchengine
and in the following libraries:
  • SBLZLOAD (load modules)
  • SBLZMxxx (ISPF messages)
  • SBLZSAMP (samples)
  • SBLZAUTH (authorized programs)

For detailed installation instructions, see SMP/E installation process.