SMP/E installation process

IBM® System Modification Program/Extended (SMP/E) installs software and software changes on your z/OS® systems.

SMP/E is the tool for installing and maintaining software on z/OS systems. SMP/E controls software changes at the element level. Job Control Language (JCL) is submitted through 3270 emulation, which is also known as green screen. This method is a standard installation method that is used by IBM WebSphere® Application Server for z/OS, Db2® for z/OS, and other z/OS products.

The IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management (ELM) components for z/OS are provided in a compressed file that contains program directories and binary files:
Program directories (PDF files)
The program directories contain the instructions for installing the ELM applications on z/OS: IBM Engineering Workflow Management (EWM), IBM Engineering Test Management (ETM), and IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS® Next (DOORS Next). Each program directory is specific to each product, but follows a template. The program directories contain standard instructions for installing Jazz® Team Server and all of the common files on z/OS by using SMP/E. Use one of the program directories to complete the installation. The program directories are also available online. For more information, see the IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management v7.0.2 program directories for z/OS at
Remember: The program directories list specific directory path names. If you extract your files to a different location, you must update the path names to match your location.
Binary files
The binary files are the files to be uploaded to z/OS for the SMP/E installation process.
  • No compressed files can be installed directly to z/OS without SMP/E.
  • The binary files are not useful outside of SMP/E. The program directories provide detailed steps to upload the files and configure provided sample JCL to install by using SMP/E.
  • The SMP/E installation process does not include configuration.
  • The program directories describe installation only.

The SMP/E package installs several MVS data sets. Of particular interest are hlq.SBLZSAMP and hlq.SBLZAUTH, in which hlq is the high-level qualifier that you selected during the SMP/E installation. As noted in the program directories, hlq.SBLZAUTH must be APF-authorized. Many of the additional configuration steps involve editing and submitting JCL that is found in the hlq.SBLZSAMP data set. If you plan to use the Engineering Workflow Management ISPF client, hlq.SBLZAUTH must be available in LNKLST.

The SMP/E package also installs one z/OS UNIX System Services file directory: /@pathPrefix@/usr/lpp/jazz/v7.0.2, where @pathPrefix@ is the path prefix that you specified during the SMP/E installation.

The z/OS installation includes the following FMIDs (Function Modification Identifiers):
HRCC702 - Common components
This FMID is a prerequisite for the other FMIDs and must always be installed. It includes the SMP/E JCL and several utilities that other FMIDs share.
HRBA702 - Rational® Build Agent
Install this FMID if you plan to run Enterprise Extensions, JCL, or command line builds on z/OS.
HRBT702 - Engineering Workflow Management - Build System Toolkit
Install this FMID if you plan to run any of the following functions on z/OS:
  • Enterprise builds
  • Jazz Build Engine
  • Enterprise gateway
  • ISPF client
  • Mass import tool
  • Promotion
  • Packaging and deployment
  • Integration with IBM Developer for z/OS
  • Context-aware search
HRCM702 - Engineering Workflow Management - Change and Configuration Management (CCM)
Install this FMID if you plan to use the server CCM capabilities of Engineering Workflow Management on z/OS.
HRDV702 - Engineering Workflow Management - IBM Developer for z/OS subset
Install this FMID in these cases:
  • If you do not have IBM Developer for z/OS installed and you plan to submit or monitor JCL-based builds on z/OS.
  • If you do not have IBM Developer for z/OS installed and you plan to use the Engineering Workflow Management compilation results view as part of your enterprise builds for z/OS compilations.
HRGC702 - Global Configuration Management
Install this FMID if you plan to use the functions of Global Configuration Management on z/OS.
HRJS702 - Jazz Team Server
Install this FMID if you plan to run Jazz Team Server on z/OS. HRJS702 includes the server executable files that are installed to the z/OS UNIX System Services (USS) file system. HRJS702 also includes the startup JCL installed to a z/OS data set.
HRLI702 - Link Index Provider
Install this FMID if you plan to use the functions of Link Index Provider on z/OS.
HRQM702 - Engineering Test Management - Quality Management (QM)
Install this FMID if you plan to use the server QM capabilities of Engineering Test Management on z/OS.
HRRE702 - IBM Engineering Lifecycle Optimization - Engineering Insights (ENI)
Install this FMID if you plan to use the functions of Engineering Insights on z/OS.
HRRM702 - Requirements Management (RM)
Install this FMID if you plan to use the server RM capabilities of Engineering Requirements Management DOORS Next.
HRRS702 - IBM Jazz Reporting Service
Install this FMID if you plan to use the functions of the IBM Jazz Reporting service, including the Data Collection Component (DCC), Lifecycle Query Engine (LQE), or Report Builder.
HRWL702 - WebSphere Liberty Profile
Install this FMID if you plan to run the server by using the WebSphere Liberty Profile on z/OS. This FMID also includes WebSphere Application Server webserver plug-ins to be used with IBM HTTP Server on z/OS. Refer to documentation of WebSphere Application Server for information on configuring the HTTP server and plug-ins.
HBGZ100 - IBM Dependency Based Build (DBB)
Install this FMID if you plan to use EWM Enterprise Extensions (EE) Build Manager on IBM Z® Systems Development and Test Environment (ZD&T) or if you want to extend your EWM z/OS builds using Groovy and DBB APIs.

Installation process on z/OS

The process to install on z/OS is as follows.
  1. Complete the SMP/E installation.
  2. Finish the customization on z/OS.
  3. If you installed Jazz Team Server on z/OS, configure Jazz Team Server.
  4. Configure any ELM applications that you installed on z/OS.
  5. Install the Engineering Workflow Management client on your computer.

For detailed instructions, see Checklist for installing the Engineering Lifecycle Management on z/OS systems.