Installation verification process (IVP) for z/OS

The IBM® Engineering Lifecycle Management (ELM) installation verification process (IVP) verifies information about settings that you configured during installation on z/OS.

The installation verification process (IVP) provides information about the settings of the following installation configurations:
  • General installation
  • IBM Engineering Workflow Management (EWM) ISPF client
  • Rational® Build Agent
  • ISPF gateway.
The IVP checks for things that might cause problems with the listed settings, if they are not set up correctly, such as:
  • RACF® permissions on data sets
  • RACF on general resource profiles
  • UNIX Systems Services (USS) permissions on files and directories
  • Space restrictions on configuration and work directories
  • ISPF gateway set up
  • APF authorizations
  • Necessary PARMLIB members are correctly updated.
The IVP has the following restrictions:
  • The user ID that runs the IVP process must have sufficient z/OS UNIX authority.
  • The IVP process uses SDSF REXX calls and RACF REXX calls. If the user ID that runs this process does not have System Display and Search Facility (SDSF) or RACF authority, the commands fail and return a message indicating the lack of authority.
  • If SDSF or RACF is not installed on your system, the commands fail and return a message indicating that the programs are not installed.
To run the IVP, sample member BLZIVP is provided in hlq.SBLZSAMP. Configure member BLZIVP using the instructions contained in the member. The variables mentioned in the sample job are listed in the following table with an explanation of their use and default value:
Table 1. BLZIVP variable names and usage
Variable name Usage Default value
PREFIX The data set prefix specified during the SMP/E installation. BLZ
HOME The path prefix specified during the SMP/E installation. /usr/lpp/jazz/v7.0.2
CONF The Jazz® Team Server configuration files directory. /etc/jazz702
WORK The Jazz Team Server working directory. /u/jazz702
ICONV The location of the iconv installation directory. /bin/iconv
BLZDSAUT The SBLZAUTH data set containing the BLZPASTK member BLZ.SBLZAUTH
GENIVP Whether to run the general IVP Y
ISPFIVP Whether to run the EWM ISPF client IVP Y
BFAIVP Whether to run the Rational Build Agent IVP Y
GTWYIVP Whether to run the ISPF gateway IVP Y
JMONIVP Whether to run Job Monitor IVP Y
APPSIVP Whether to run ELM server applications IVP N
SRVRIVP Whether to run application server IVP N
BLZISPFD Started task name for the EWM daemon start task BLZISPFD
BLZISPFS Started task name for the EWM daemon stop task BLZISPFS
BLZBFA Started task name for the Rational Build Agent BLZBFA
BLZJTASK Started task name for the Job Monitor BLZJMON
BLZJPORT Port for the Job Monitor 6716
CONFGID Group id for JAZZCONF for configuration directories 1
WORKGID Group id for JAZZWORK for work directories 2
DB2SYS Db2® subsystem for server repositories DSNA
DB2RUN RUNLIB for Db2 subsystem DSNA10
BLZLIBAN Started task for WebSphere Liberty Angel process BLZZANGL
BLZLIBST Started task for WebSphere Liberty profile server BLZZSRV
SUPPRESS Suppress information messages N
Use the SUBMIT command to submit the modified JCL and check the job log. The output from the installation verification process is in DD RTCIVP.
The following table shows the return codes for the IVP.
Table 2. BLZIVP return codes
Return code Explanation
0 Indicates that the installation verification has run successfully without any major issues.
4 Indicates that the installation verification process has run, but with warnings.
8 Indicates that the installation verification process has run, but with errors.