Running synchronizations

Synchronization is managed by the synchronization engine process, which runs synchronizations at scheduled times. IBM® Engineering Workflow Management (EWM) users can also request a synchronization at any time. The merge workspace owner (the synchronized stream creator account) monitors synchronization results in case merges are required or errors reported.


To open the ClearCase-Synchronized Streams view:

  1. On the Eclipse main menu, click Window > Show view > Other and expand Jazz source control.
    You can also type ClearCase in the filter text window to filter the list of views to show.
  2. Select ClearCase-Synchronized Streams, and click OK.
    The ClearCase Synchronized Streams view shows all synchronized streams in your team area. To see synchronized streams in other team areas, select the Change Team Area icon.
  3. To request synchronization of a stream, select it, and click the Synchronize (Synchronize icon) icon on the ClearCase-Synchronized Streams view toolbar.
    Synchronization starts as soon as the synchronization build engine discovers the request. The synchronization build engine checks for requests at a frequency specified (in seconds) by the stream's BUILD_ENGINE_SLEEP_TIME property.
  4. When synchronization completes, the Status column indicates whether the operation succeeded and whether any merges are required.
    Status can be any of:
    Initialize succeeded on date and time
    The synchronized stream was created on the displayed date and time but has not yet been synchronized with Rational® ClearCase®.
    Synchronize pending
    A synchronization request was made but has not yet been accepted by the synchronization engine process. This status might also indicate that the synchronization process cannot start because the synchronization process EWM account login failed
    Synchronize engine is not active
    If the stream stays in this state for longer than 2 minutes, it usually indicates that the synchronization process must be restarted. For more information, see Starting the synchronization engine process.
    Synchronize active
    A synchronization request has been accepted by the synchronization build engine, and the synchronization process is underway.
    Synchronize succeeded
    The most recent synchronization was successful.
    Synchronize canceled
    The synchronization request has been canceled, or the active synchronization process has been abandoned.
    Merge required
    The same file or folder has been changed in both EWM and Rational ClearCase. For more information, see Resolving conflicts during synchronization.
    Synchronize blocked by error
    The most recent synchronization was blocked because of an error. Review the log from that synchronization and fix any errors reported there. One common cause of a synchronization block is the failure of a trigger or other process on the EWM stream that is receiving changes. For more information, see Troubleshooting synchronization problems.


For each EWM component that has incoming changes from Rational ClearCase, one or more change-sets are created, and the generated work item is associated with the change-set(s). The work item is also associated with the synchronization build result record. The work item description contains information about the change set. For example, a work item that is created for an incoming UCM change set contains a list of activities in that change-set. You can modify the generated work item after the synchronization completes.

If there is a synchronized stream work item template associated with the synchronized stream, the work item is initialized by the template. For more information, see Creating a synchronized stream work item template

When the synchronization succeeds, imported changes have been delivered to the synchronized stream and exported changes have been checked in to Rational ClearCase. Imported changes are displayed in the same way that any new change-sets are displayed in any stream that is a workspace flow target: the imported changes are displayed as an incoming change-set for the merge workspace (and for any other workspace that has the ClearCase Synchronized Stream as a flow target).

Tip: There might be a short delay after synchronization completes and before the changes to the synchronized stream become visible in the Pending Changes view as incoming change-sets for the merge workspace. You can click the Refresh (Refresh icon) icon in the Pending Changes view toolbar to force an immediate check for new incoming and outgoing change-sets.

In EWM, you can verify the result of a synchronization by using the Repository Files view to examine the contents of the ClearCase Synchronized Stream or the History view to examine its history for synchronization events. For more information, see Viewing files in repositories and Exploring the history of components and files. In Rational ClearCase, you can verify the result of a synchronization by listing the contents of a ClearCase Synchronized Stream view that has the same configuration (UCM stream, or branch type and label type) as the Rational ClearCase dynamic view that the New ClearCase-Synchronized Stream wizard created.

The synchronization build logs contain information about the synchronized roots (files and folders) before and after synchronization, the synchronizer properties, and the synchronization statistics.