Lesson 1.1: Propose the requirements for a sprint

In this lesson, you ensure that feedback from stakeholders is reviewed and considered for the next sprint.

About this task

Bob is preparing for the sprint planning meeting. He reviews the product backlog to evaluate whether his stakeholders submitted new requests. While reviewing the backlog, he finds a story from Curtis, one of his key stakeholders. He also finds new compliance requirements that the Corporate Compliance and Governance Team submitted. Because the team already agreed to on a release plan, they must be careful about introducing changes that have not been discussed and agreed to.

This scenario demonstrates how the team remains aware of and considers ongoing stakeholder feedback. Handling ongoing feedback is a constant challenge for delivery teams. Feedback must be handled with discipline and collaboration. This scenario shows how the business can propose changes while enabling the development and test teams to discuss and assess the request.

After completing this lesson, you will learn how to complete these Engineering Lifecycle Management tasks:

  • Prepare the product backlog for incoming requests.
  • Conduct a requirement review before asking the team to size and plan it.
  • Link a requirement and a work item on the product backlog.
  • Link work items to designs and requirements for team traceability.
  • Rank the product backlog in preparation of a planning meeting.
  • Review application models.

Reviewing new requests

About this task

Prepare for the sprint planning meeting.

Review new requests by using a work-item query from a widget in the dashboard:


  1. In the web client, log on to Change and Configuration Management. For example, go to https://host-name:9443/ccm/web.
  2. Log on by typing bob in User ID and bob in Password.
  3. Optional: If required, click JKE Banking (Change Management).
  4. Under Work Item Queries, click New Unassigned Stories.
  5. Open the new story named Allocate Dividends To Multiple Causes, which Curtis submitted.
  6. In the Discussion section of the story, add this comment: Thanks Curtis! I will look into this and get back to you. @marco - Heads up - I would like to discuss this story in the planning meeting today.
    Tip: Typing a name after the at sign (@) creates a link to the user in the comment. Then, an automatic email notification is sent to the user, saying that the user was mentioned in the work item.
  7. To move the story into product backlog, from the Planned For list, select Product Backlog.
  8. To set a high business value to the story, in the Business Value field, select $$$$.
  9. Save the story.
    Allocate Dividends To Multiple Causes story

Determining required artifacts

About this task

Evaluate what requirement artifacts are required to support this story:


  1. In the upper left corner, click the Home menu icon. Under Requirements Management, click JKE Banking (Requirements).
  2. Click Artifacts > Browse Artifacts.
  3. In the Filter by Folder section, select JKE Banking (Requirements Management) > JKE Business Recovery Matters Project > User Story Elaboration > Elaborated Stories.
  4. Find and open the requirement named Donor Chooses Multiple Organizations.
    Donor Chooses Multiple Organizations user story elaboration

Linking to artifacts

About this task

Link the requirement and storyboard to Curtis' request in the change management application.


  1. In the Donor Chooses Multiple Organizations User Story Elaboration, from the sidebar in the lower right corner, click Links.
  2. Explore the links that are already created for this requirement. Open the Dividend Contribution to Multiple Organizations storyboard, which illustrates this requirement.
    Note: If the frame list is not displayed, click Refresh.
  3. In the storyboard, in the lower right corner, under the Links sidebar, click Add link to artifact > Implemented By.
  4. In the Create Link window, complete these steps:
    1. Ensure that Choose Existing is selected.
    2. In the Type list, select Story.
    3. In the Search field, type Allocate.
    4. In the Matching Work Items area, select Allocate Dividends To Multiple Causes.
    5. Click OK.
  5. Confirm that the Implemented By link is created between the storyboard and the story.

    Implemented By link between storyboard and story

  6. Traverse the links back to the User Story Elaboration named Donor Chooses Multiple Organizations.
  7. Repeat steps 3 and 4 to link to the Allocate Dividends To Multiple Causes story.
  8. Confirm that the Implemented By link is created between the User Story Elaboration and the story.

Adding the new requirement to the collection

About this task

Add the new requirement to the collection:


  1. In the upper right corner, click Add to Collection, and then filter the Release 1 Planning collection by entering planning in the filter field.
  2. Select Release 1 Planning, and then click Add & Close.
  3. Click Collections > Browse Collections, and open Release 1 Planning.
  4. Add the Implemented By and Validated By traceability columns to assess the state of the release:
    1. In the table heading, click the Configure Page Settings button and add the Implemented By and Validated By columns.
    2. Click OK.
    3. Optional: If required, click Refresh to populate the changes.

Starting a formal review

About this task

After the scope of the release requirements is changed, start a formal review of the requirements collection:


  1. From the collection, in the upper right corner, click More Actions > Create Review.
  2. For the name of the review, enter Collection Review. Click OK.
  3. Select one or more requirements from the collection. Click Add Participants and add Al, Deb, Marco, and Tanuj as reviewers.
  4. Click Add & Close, and then click Start Review.

Ranking the product backlog

About this task

Rank the product backlog to prepare for the sprint planning meeting:


  1. From the mini dashboard, locate the Bookmark widget. Click JKE Product Backlog.
  2. In the product backlog plan, ensure that the View As list is set to Ranked List, which is the default view.
  3. Drag Allocate Dividends To Multiple Causes to the top of the list (the drag bar is to the left of the story name).
  4. Save the plan.
    Product Backlog Ranked List

Lesson checkpoint

In this lesson, you learned how to complete these tasks:
  • Prepare the product backlog for incoming requests.
  • Conduct a requirement review before asking the team to size and plan it.
  • Link a requirement and a work item on the product backlog.
  • Link work items to requirements for team traceability.
  • Rank the product backlog in preparation of a planning meeting.