Uninstalling Jazz Reporting Service on WebSphere Application Server

To uninstall the war files for Jazz Reporting Service (Report Builder) deployed on WebSphere® Application Server, complete the following steps:


  1. Locate the rs.war file in the original Jazz Reporting Service installation. If there are other war files in this directory, copy the war files that you want to update to a new temporary folder. The clm_update.py script updates all applications with war files in the directory specified.
  2. Open a command window and navigate to the WebSphere profile bin directory. For example: <WAS_HOME>/<AppServer>/profiles/<Profile>/bin.
  3. Execute the following commands, ensuring that the WebSphere Application Server is running.
    wsadmin -language jython -user <username> -password <password> -f <path to clm_update.py
    For example: <server_installation_directory>/server/was/clm_update.py>
    The following example shows the path to interim fix war files to use for the update. C:/iFixPatch> <optional path to context-root.properties file>.
    ./wsadmin.sh -language jython -user <username> -password <password> -f
    The following is the path to clm_update.pt, for example, <server_installation_directory>/server/was/clm_update.py>

    The following example shows the path to interim fix war files to use for the update. /opt/IBM/iFixPatch> <optional path to context-root.properties file>.