Configuring a lookup service task
You can configure and request a Rational® Build Agent service lookup task, also known as a Rational Build Agent loop task service, in the Jazz® web client.
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. Here, you can set the following two values:- Rational Build Agent loop task service Contributor ID
- This is the ID of the user running the Rational Build Agent loop task service on
the server. The default user ID is ADMIN.Restriction: When you request the Rational Build Agent loop task service, you must use the default user ID: ADMIN.Note: Make sure that the user running the Rational Build Agent loop task service has permission to perform build actions. The following conditions must be met before a user can perform build actions:
- The user must be a member of the specified project and team areas.
- The user must be set to a specific role in the specified project and team areas. If you do not set a role, the default is everyone.
- The user role must have full permissions for build actions for the specified project and team areas. You can define the permissions here: .
- The user must be assigned to either a Developer or Build System Client Access License (CAL).
- Rational Build Agent loop task service interval time
- This value defines the interval running time, in seconds, of the Rational Build Agent loop task service. The default value is 15 seconds.