Preserve component and workspace configuration in the Engineering Workflow Management client for Microsoft Visual Studio IDE

In this tutorial, you will watch a series of demonstrations about how to use the Engineering Workflow Management client for Microsoft Visual Studio IDE to preserve component and workspace configuration.

Learning objectives

This tutorial demonstrates the following tasks:
  • Create a component baseline.
  • Accept incoming baselines and change sets.
  • Create, explore, and assign an owner to a snapshot.
Note: This content was created for a specific release, but also applies to later releases.

Time required

10 minutes
Related conceptsGetting starting with the Engineering Workflow Management client for Microsoft Visual Studio IDEIBM Engineering Workflow Management client for Microsoft Visual Studio IDE is a team collaboration tool that is designed to cater to the needs of different roles available in a team. Engineering Workflow Management works on the client-server architecture. All the clients of Engineering Workflow Management call Jazz Team Server for various functions. You will still be using the Microsoft Visual Studio IDE and can take advantage of all the features of the IBM Engineering Workflow Management client for Microsoft Visual Studio IDE.