Mapping comments to notes log entries

When you create a synchronization rule for a ClearQuest® record type, you can map entries in the ClearQuest record notes log to comments in the IBM® Engineering Workflow Management (EWM) item.

Before you begin

Start the ClearQuest Gateway before you use the Synchronization Rule editor. You must use the standard Notes package provided with Rational® ClearQuest.

About this task

Because the ClearQuest record notes log records user information, you must refer to a synchronization rule that maps fields in the ClearQuest users record type to fields in the Jazz® contributors account.


To create a synchronization rule for the users record type and modify another record type, such as Defect, to map notes log entries to comments:

  1. In the Team Artifacts view, right-click the repository connection and select Administer > Synchronization Rules. In the Synchronization Rules view, right-click the project area and select New > Synchronization Rule.
  2. In the Synchronization Rule editor, enter a unique name for the rule in the Name property.
  3. In the Type Mapping section, select the Contributor - item type. The Item manager property is set to the manager that processes users, Contributor Manager. In the External manager property, select ClearQuest Manager (user records). Select the external repository connection in the External repository field. Select the users record type in the External type field.
  4. In the Property Mappings section, click Add. Select EmailAddress for item property. Select email for external property. Select In for synchronization direction. Click Add to add the mapping.

    Click Add to create another mapping. Select Name for item property. Select fullname for external property. Select In for synchronization direction. Click Add to add the mapping.

    Click Add to create another mapping. Select UserId for item property. Select Item identifier. Select login_name for external property. Select External identifier. Select In for synchronization direction. Click Add to add the mapping.

  5. Click Save to save your synchronization rule.
  6. Within the synchronization rule for the ClearQuest record type to which you want to support synchronization of comments and notes log entries, click Add to add a property mapping. Select CommentsWithDate as the Item property and Notes_Log as the External property. Select In/Out for synchronization direction. Deselect No Transformation. In the Reference synchronization rule list, select the rule that you created for users. Select the Value transformer Work Item Comments Transformer. Click Save to save your changes.
    Tip: You can also use the Comments item property; however, it does not synchronize the external comment's creation date. Instead, it sets the work item's creation date to the date that the comment is synchronized with the work item. The CommentsWithDate item property sets the work item's comment creation date to match the external comment's creation date.