Lesson 4.3: Edit the Defect synchronization rule

In this lesson, you will learn how to edit the Defect synchronization rule to map the Project field in the Defect record type to the Filed Against field (Category property) in the Defect work item type. You will also specify additional property and value mappings that the ClearQuest® Synchronizer Setup Wizard was unable to create.

About this task

To edit the Defect synchronization rule:


  1. In the Synchronization Rules view, double-click the synchronization rule for the Defect record type to open it. If you named the project area CQ Synchronizer Tutorial, the rule is named com.ibm.rational.clearquest.Defect.CQ Synchronizer Tutorial.
  2. In the Property Mappings section, click Add. In the Define Property Mappings window, select Filed Against for the item property. Select In/Out for the synchronization direction. Select Project for the external property, as shown below. Click OK.
    This figure shows the Define Property Mappings window with the Filed Against item property being mapped to the Project external property.

    In the Property Mappings section, select the row for the Filed Against and Project properties. Clear the No transformation check box. In the Reference synchronization rule field, select the rule for the Project record type (com.ibm.rational.clearquest.Project.CQ Synchronizer Tutorial), as shown below. The ClearQuest Synchronizer will now use the Project synchronization rule to map the value of the Project field to the Filed Against field.

    This figure shows the Project synchronization rule in the editor. In the Property Mapping section, the row with the Filed Against and Project properties is selected. In the Reference synchronization rule field, the Project synchronization rule (com.ibm.rational.clearquest.Project.CQ Synchronizer Tutorial) is selected.)
  3. You must provide a mapping for the work item Summary field. Because the Defect record type does not contain a similarly-named field, the ClearQuest Synchronizer Setup Wizard did not generate a mapping for the Summary field in the synchronization rule. In the Property Mappings section, click Add. Select Summary as the item property and Headline as the external property. Select In/Out as the synchronization direction. Click OK.
  4. For fields that contain choice lists of values, the synchronization rule maps the values of the ClearQuest record type fields to values of the work item type fields. The ClearQuest Synchronizer Setup Wizard attempts to map these values but in some cases cannot find similarly-named values. You need to provide mappings for any values where the wizard does not provide a mapping.

    In the Property Mappings section, select the Priority property row. The Value mappings section shows mappings for the High and Low values. Click Initialize, as shown below, to add the other work item values, Medium and Unassigned.

    This figure shows the Value mappings table with entries for High and Low values. Next to the table, the Initialize button is highlighted.
    Double-click the Medium entry to open the Define Value Mappings window. Select 3-Normal Queue for the external value. Click OK. Leave the Unassigned entry as is, mapped to an empty value. The ClearQuest Defect record type contains an additional Priority value, 1-Resolve Immediately. Click Add. Select 1-Resolve Immediately as the external value. Select High as the item value. Because High is now mapped to two external values, you must designate one of those values as the default. Select the Default external value check box to identify 1-Resolve Immediately as the default value for High. Click OK. The Value mappings section should now look like this:
    This figure shows the Value mappings table with the updated mappings. The table has two rows for the High item value. The one that is mapped to the 1-Resolve Immediately external value contains a blue triangle in the External Value cell to indicate that it is the default value mapping.

    Repeat the process for the Resolution property. Use the value mappings shown below. Note that the blue triangle in the Item Value cell means that you should set that value as the default item value because multiple item values are mapped to one external value. The blue triangle in the External Value cell means that you should set that value as the default external value because multiple external values are mapped to one item value.

    This figure shows the value mappings table for the Resolution property.

    Repeat the process for the Severity property. Use the value mappings shown below.

    This figure shows the value mappings table for the Severity property.

    Repeat the process for the Status property. Use the value mappings shown below.

    This figure shows the value mappings table for the Status property.

    Finally, you need to specify a value mapping for the Type property. Select the Type property entry in the Property Mappings table. Clear the No transformation check box. In the Value mappings section, click Add. Select defect for the Item value. In the External value field, enter Defect. You must enter the value because the drop-down list does not show the possible ClearQuest record types. Click OK.

  5. Click Save to save your changes to the Defect synchronization rule.

What to do next

After you finish configuring the Rational® ClearQuest user database and the Jazz® project area, you need to enable outgoing synchronization for the Jazz Team Server and the external repository connection so that changes that users make to work items are propagated to the ClearQuest user database. You will do this in the next module.