Filters and views for artifacts in requirements projects

Filters and views are useful for sorting and displaying artifacts that are based on specific criteria. You can use filters and the configure page settings to display artifacts, and then save this configuration as a view to use later.

Watch a video that shows how to construct a filter and save a view.


On the Artifacts, Collections, and Modules pages, you can filter artifacts by entering the artifact ID or text. Filters on string attribute values only consider the first 449 characters. Full-text and search consider all characters. See Searches for artifacts in requirements projects. You can also add filter criteria such as Artifact Type, Created by, and so on by selecting an attribute in the Add Filter window.

  1. Open the Artifacts, Collections, or Modules page.
  2. Click the Add filter iconAdd filter icon.
  3. In the New Filter window, all the attributes available for filtering are displayed. Select the attribute and the attribute value to filter by and click Add. You can add more than one filter.
    If you select Link Type as the filter attribute, you can specify more filters for the linked artifacts. Click the Edit icon and add conditions.
    Pencil icon
    In this example, the filter returns all artifacts that have a Link To or Link From link to an artifact of type Feature.
    Edit filter and add conditions example
    In this example, the filter returns all artifacts that do not have a Satisfies link to an artifact of type Heading.
    Edit filter and add conditions example
Note: For Db2, you cannot filter against a string attribute using an input value that exceeds 253 characters.
Note: For Oracle, the maximum number of IDs that you can filter against is 1000, because Oracle has a 1000-value limit for IN clauses.


You can use the Folders tab in the left navigation to display the required artifacts. On the Folders tab, you can select the folder to see the artifacts in that folder. When you click the folders on the Folders tab, any filters in the filter field are cleared and artifacts in the selected folder are displayed.


On the Views tab, you can select a view to see artifacts. On the Views tab, you can also search views by using the Search Views field. When you click a view on the Views tab, the filters in the filter field are cleared and artifacts for the selected view are displayed.

Views are a subset of the artifact content. The Artifacts page has a default sort order. If you do not select a sort order, the artifacts are sorted by artifact ID in descending order. After you define filter criteria, you can customize your column settings on the page. You can also sort a column by clicking the column header. Then, you can save your configuration of filters and columns as a view for future use.

A shared view is a view that can be used by all project members. Shared views can be created or changed only by an administrator or a user who has the required permissions. You can manage or filter shared views by associating them with a process area and roles from that process area. Then, users can see shared views only when they open an artifact and the view that is associated with that process area. Users must have at least one role in that artifact's process area that is also assigned to the view.

Any project member can create a personal view for private use. The Save Personal Saved View permission is enabled for everyone by default, but you can modify this permission.

You can mark any view as preferred view. When you mark view as a preferred, it appears in a bold font in the View column. When you open a module for the first time, the preferred view is shown as the default view because there are no cached preferences in the local storage of your browser. When you open the same module again, the previously selected (or non-selected) view is displayed as the default view because your browser retains that information. If multiple preferred views exist, one view is automatically chosen as the default view.

After you save a view, you can edit the view and work with it in other ways. For example, you can send another user a link to view, to generate a report about the view, and to export artifacts from the view. For more information about exporting artifacts from a view, see Exporting requirement artifacts to a CSV file.

You can manage views to be available in a specific collection or module type. If you save a view in a collection or module, that view is available from that collection or module only. See also Filters and views in modules.

Page settings

To organize and sort the content that is displayed on the Artifacts page, use any of these methods:
  • Click Configure page settings configure page settings icon > Configure columns to display or More > Change Column Display Settings and select the columns that you want displayed.
  • Use the Move Up and Move Down options to organize the column display.
  • Use the Format option to customize the column display. You can select attributes of the artifacts and wrap or trim the link text.

View a specific page of artifacts results

When you view a list of artifacts on All, Collections, or Modules tabs, a page navigator is shown at the bottom if the list spans multiple pages. If there are six or more pages, the page navigator includes an ellipsis. Click the ellipsis to open the Go To Page dialog box. In the dialog box, type a specific page number to navigate to the required page. The following image shows the dialog box to view a specific page:
Go to Page dialog box