Change and configuration management BIRT report descriptions
The change and configuration management application includes BIRT-based report resources that are designed to provide information on change management, SCM, builds, and agile planning. You can customize them using BIRT.
Dashboard versions of reports
Some of the reports have dashboard versions, labeled "Micro" (Table 2), that are optimized for display on dashboards, given that screen real estate is limited. These micro reports are substituted for the parent reports when you add the report widget from the Change and Configuration Management category to your dashboard.
How reports are used in projects
If you use an existing process template (e.g. Scrum or Open Up) to create a new project area, many of the BIRT-based report resources are automatically deployed to the new project areas created with the process templates. If you are creating a unique process template, or if you want to add templates to your project area that were not automatically included, you can us any of the templates that are included with your installation.
Each report resource has a unique report ID, which is referenced from other interface elements such as report widgets in the dashboard and the Charts page in the Agile Planning editor. If the IDs referenced in the report widgets cannot be found, it is not possible to drill down. The BIRT-based report resource files can be found on the file system with the client installation, in the folder. If you use the IBM Installation Manager to install the client, this folder is located in the Installation Manager shared files directory.
Available BIRT-based reports resources
The BIRT-based reports are interactive reports and include graphical elements that you can click to reveal additional data.
- When you preview reports in the BIRT designer, the number of rows displayed is limited to 1,000. To see the complete list, you must deploy the report to the server.
- If you want to view report data that is outside of a specific team area or iteration, those reports that include the parameters, Team Area and Iteration, must be modified. Clear My Team Areas or Current Iteration, respectively, to include all data.
Report name | DW/Live/Both | Output format | Parameters | Resources | Description |
Actual as percentage of estimated work | DW | Graph | Team Area, Timeline, Iteration | Work Items | Distribution bar graph showing how close actual work was to estimated work |
Advanced release burndown | Both | Graph | Team Area, Timeline, Iteration, Type | Work Items | Overlaid bar/line graph indicating remaining work in story points, over time, for a release |
Advanced release burnup | Both | Graph | Team Area, Timeline, Iteration, Type, Priority | Work Items | Overlaid bar/line graph indicating work done in story points, over time, for a release |
Advanced team velocity | DW | Graph | Team Area, Timeline, Iteration | Work Items | Bar chart showing the achieved and the total story points grouped by iteration. Each bar represents one iteration, and the height of the bar represents the sum of all story points represented by work items targeted for that iteration |
Asynch task counters | DW | Graph | Service Method, Duration | Repository | Bar chart showing metrics on asynchronous server tasks |
Average cycle time | DW | Graph | Team Area, Category, Timeline, Iteration, Severity, Tags | Work Items | Line graph showing the average amount of time from when a work item is in progress to when it is resolved |
Average lead time | DW | Graph | Team Area, Category, Timeline, Iteration, Severity, Tags | Work Items | Line graph showing the average amount of time that work items stay in the unresolved state (from created to resolved) |
Average time in state | DW | Graph | Team Area, Category, Timeline, Iteration, Type, Severity, Tags | Work Items | Bar graph showing the average time work items spend in a particular state |
Blocking work items | DW | Graph | Team Area, Category, Timeline, Iteration | Work Items | Line graph indicating number of open blocking work items over time |
Build health | DW | Graph | Team Area, Build Definition, Duration, Include Incomplete Builds | Build Results, JUnit Test Results | Bar graph of build duration over time. Line graph of number of JUnit tests over time, overlaid on green/red-filled segments indicating build success or failure |
Build results | DW | Table | Project Area, Team Area, Build Definition, Build Label | Build Results | Table displaying information about a single specified build result |
Burndown | Both | Graph | Team Area, Category, Timeline, Iteration, Type, Severity, Priority, Week Days, Details, Tags, Offset | Work Items | "Sprint Burndown" indicating amount of remaining estimated work (in hours) over time, as well as total work over time |
Burndown by story points | DW | Graph | Team Area, Timeline, Iteration | Work Items | Line graph showing the remaining story points |
Burnup | Both | Graph | Team Area, Category, Timeline, Iteration, Type, Severity, Priority, Week Days, Details, Tags, Offset | Work Items, Team Capacity | "Sprint Burnup" indicating amount of completed work (in hours) over time, compared with total work and team capacity |
Burnup by story points | DW | Graph | Team Area, Timeline, Iteration | Work Items | Line graph showing the completed story points |
Cycle time as percentage of lead time | DW | Graph | Team Area, Category, Timeline, Iteration, Severity, Tags | Work Items | Line graph showing the amount of time from when a work item is activated (in progress) to when it is resolved |
Closed work items by iteration | DW | Graph | Project Area, Team Area, Iteration | Work Items | Bar graph showing number of closed work items, one bar per iteration |
Closed work items daily | DW | Graph | Team Area, Category, Timeline, Iteration, Type, Severity | Work Items | Bar graph showing number of work items being closed, one bar per day |
Code health | DW | Graph | Team Area, Build Definition, Component, Duration, Include Incomplete Builds | Build Results, JUnit Test Results, Compilation Results | Line graph of JUnit test failures over time, line graph of compiler warnings over time |
Cumulative value flow by state | DW | Graph | Team Area, Category, Timeline, Iteration, Type, Severity, State Group Category, State, and Tags | Work Items | Line graph of all work items over time, broken down by state. Each state has one colored area |
Data warehouse metrics | DW | Graph | Snapshot, Table, Start Date | Data Warehouse | Metadata about the Rational® Team Concert® 2.0 data mart, indicating footprint and number of rows |
Defect backlog | DW | Graph | From, To, Team Area | Work Items | Line graph indicating number of open defects over time |
Defect backlog by project area | DW | Graph | Project Area, Duration | Work Items | Line graph indicating number of open defect over time in a project area |
Defect discovery rate | DW | Graph | From, To, Team Area | Work Items | Line graph indicating number of work items opened (created) over time, one data point per week |
Deferred work items | DW | Graph | Team Area, Category, Timeline, Iteration | Work Items | Line graph indicating number of work items whose "planned for" iteration changed, over time. One data point per day |
Estimate changes | DW | Table | Team Area, Iteration, From, To, Show Zero Estimates | Work Items | Table showing work items whose estimate was changed during the specified time interval (one row per work item) |
Estimated vs actual work | DW | Graph | Team Area, Timeline, Iteration | Work Items | Line graph showing accuracy of work item estimates as a ratio of estimate/time spent, over time |
Frequent test failures | DW | Table | Team Area, Build Definition, Component, Duration | Build Results, JUnit Test Results | Table indicating top ten frequent JUnit failures, one row per JUnit test |
Frequent test regressions | DW | Table | Team Area, Build Definition, Component, Duration | Build Results, JUnit Test Results | Table indicating top ten frequent JUnit regressions, one row per JUnit test |
Latest repository metrics | DW | Graph | Namespace | Repository | Bar graphs indicating item count, state count, and footprint of artifacts in the Jazz® repository |
Latest repository metrics by namespace | DW | Graph | Namespace, Item Type | Repository | Bar graphs indicating footprint, item count, and state count of artifacts in the Jazz repository, broken down by namespace |
New work items by severity | DW | Graph | Team Area, Category, Timeline, Iteration, Type, Severity | Work Items | Bar graph of new (created) work items, one bar per day, stacked by severity |
Open work items | DW | Graph | Team Area, Category, Timeline, Iteration, Type, Severity | Work Items | Line graph plotting all open work items over time |
Open vs Closed story points by iteration | DW | Graph | Team Area, Timeline, Iteration | Work Items | Bar graph of open, in progress, and closed story points |
Open vs Closed work items | DW | Graph | Team Area, Category, Timeline, Iteration, Severity, Type, Tags | Work Items | Multiple line graph indicating number of work items over time, one line for open work items, one line for closed work items |
Open work items by type | DW | Graph | Team Area, Category, Timeline, Iteration, Type | Work Items | Multiple line graph indicating number of open work items over time, one line for each work item type |
Personal timesheet | DW | Table | Project Area, User, From, To | Work Items | Table displaying totals per user and time code. |
Personal timesheet with project members | DW | Table | Project Area, User, From, To | Work items | Table displaying totals per user and time code. The list of project areas are built based on the project areas that the current user or creator of the report have project area membership to. Users are shown who have project area membership to the selected project areas. |
Personal timesheet with project members by ProjectArea | DW | Table | Project Area, User, From, To | Work items | Table displaying details per work item for selected users of the current project area. The list of project areas are built based on the project areas that the current user or creator of the report have project area membership to. Users are shown whom have project area membership to the selected project areas. |
Personal timesheet with team members | DW | Table | Project Area, User, From, To | Work items | Table displaying totals per user and time code. The list of project areas are built based on the project areas that the current user or creator of the report has team area membership to at least one team area in the project area. Users are shown who have team area membership for the selected project areas. |
Personal timesheet with team members by ProjectArea | DW | Table | Project Area, User, From, To | Work items | Table displaying details per work item for selected users of the current project area. The list of project areas are built based on the project areas that the current user or creator of the report has team area membership to at least one team area in the project area. |
Personal timesheet by project area | DW | Table | Project Area, User, From, To | Work Items | Table displaying totals for selected users in a project area. |
Personal timesheet by work item | DW | Table | Category, Timeline, Iteration, User, From, To | Work Items | Table displaying details per work item for selected users of the current project area. |
Process control | DW | Chart | Team Area, Category, Timeline, Iteration, Severity, Tags | Work Items | Chart showing the time a work item is unresolved, from its creation to its resolution |
Project activity | DW | Graph | Project Area, Team Area, Stream, Component | Streams, Change Sets | Two bar graphs indicating number of change sets added/removed/modified in a stream over time, and number of file modifications/additions/deletions in a stream over time. One bar per day |
Project activity by component | DW | Graph | Team Area, Stream, Component, Duration | Streams, Change Sets | Two bar graphs indicating number of change sets added/removed/modified in a stream over time, and number of file modifications/additions/deletions in a stream over time. One bar per day, broken down by component |
Release burndown | Both | Graph | Team Area, Timeline, Iteration | Work Items | Line graph indicating number of total story points remaining for the release, one data point for each iteration measured at the start of that iteration |
Repository integral range counters | DW | Graph | Group, Name, Facet | Repository | Two line graphs indicating over-time information about repository counters. Total time, min/max/average time, and standard deviation |
Repository metrics | DW | Graph | Namespace, Start Date | Repository | Line graphs indicating item count, state count, and footprint of artifacts in the Jazz repository over time |
Repository metrics by namespace | DW | Graph | Namespace, Start Date | Repository | Line graphs indicating item count, state count, and footprint of artifacts in the Jazz repository over time, broken down by namespace |
Repository range counters | DW | Graph | Group, Name, Facet | Repository | Three line graphs indicating over-time information about repository counters. Total time, min/max/average time, and standard deviation |
Repository scalar counters | DW | Graph | Group, Name, Facet | Repository | Two line graphs indicating over-time information about repository counters. Total time, and min/max time |
Service call counters | DW | Graph | Service Method, Duration | Repository | Four bar graphs indicating over-time information about execution of the specified Jazz service calls. Count, Average Elapsed Time, Maximum Elapsed Time, and Minimum Elapsed Time, one bar per day |
Story child work items | Live | Table | Project Area, Team Area, Story | Work Items, Change Sets | Table showing child work items of a selected story, with details about change sets linked to the work item, one row per work item |
Story points | DW | Graph | Team Area, Timeline, Iteration | Work Items | Stacked area graph indicating number of story points overtime, one series for remaining story points, one series for achieved story points |
Story points by iteration | DW | Graph | Team Area, Timeline, Iteration | Work Items | Bar graph indicating total number of story points allocated to each iteration, one bar per iteration |
Story points progress | DW | Graph | Team Area, Timeline, Iteration | Work Items | Bar graph that shows the progress of story points by team area. Each bar represents one team, and the segments within the bar represent the proportion of open, in progress, and completed story points |
Story points remaining | DW | Graph | Team Area, Timeline, Iteration | Work Items | Line graph indicating number of remaining story points over time |
Stream size counts | DW | Graph | Project Area, Team Area, Stream, Component, Start | Streams | Line graphs and bar graphs indicating size of a stream in the database |
Team capacity | DW | Graph | Timeline, Team Area, From, To | Team Capacity | Line graph indicating total capacity of a team based on allocated resources, over time |
Team timesheet | DW | Table | Category, Timeline, Iteration, From, To | Work Items | Table displaying totals per user and work items for the current project area. |
Team velocity | DW | Graph | Team Area, Timeline, Iteration | Work Items | Bar graph indicating number of achieved story points allocated to each iteration, one bar per iteration |
Team velocity by team | DW | Graph | Project Area, Team Area, Iteration | Work Items | Multiple line graph indicating number of achieved story points allocated to each iteration. One data point per iteration, one line per team area |
Work item comments comparison | DW | Graph | Project Area, Team Area, Iteration | Work Items | Multiple line graph indicating work item comment activity over time, one line per team area |
Work item comparison | DW | Graph | Team Areas, Timeline, Iteration | Work Items | Multiple line graph indicating number of open work items over time, one line per team area |
Work item comparison by project area | DW | Graph | Project Area, Type, Duration | Work Items | Multiple line graph indicating number of open work items for one or more project areas over time, one line per project area |
Work item timesheet summary | DW | Table | Work Item ID, Depth, From, To | Work Items | Table displaying a summary of totals by work item (and its children) and time code. The "depth" parameter determines the number of levels. |
Work items by owner | Live | Graph | Team Area, Owner, Type | Work Items | Bar graph indicating number of work items, one bar per owner. Bars broken down by work item type or state (open/closed) |
Work items by priority | DW | Graph | Team Area, Category, Timeline, Iteration, Priority | Work Items | Multiple line graph indicating number of work items over time, one line per work item priority. Two graphs: one for open, one for closed |
Work items by team area | Live | Graph | Team Area, Type | Work Items | Bar graph indicating number of work items, one bar per team area. Bars broken down by work item type or state (open/closed) |
Work items daily activity | Live | Graph | Project Area, Team Area, Category, Iteration, Type, Severity | Work Items | Bar graphs indicating work item activity in terms of number of subscriptions and number of comments, over time. One bar per day, broken down by work item severity |
Report name | DW/Live/Both | Output format | Parameters | Resources | Description |
Micro Advanced Release Burndown | Both | Graph | Project Area, Team Area, Timeline, Iteration, Type | Work Items | Overlaid Bar/line graph indicating remaining work in story points, over time, for a release |
Micro Advanced Release Burnup | Both | Graph | Team Area, Timeline, Iteration, Type | Work Items | Overlaid Bar/line graph indicating work done in story points, over time, for a release |
Micro Advanced Team Velocity | DW | Graph | Team Area, Timeline, Iteration | Work Items | Bar chart showing the achieved and the total story points grouped by iteration. Each bar represents one iteration, and the height of the bar represents the sum of all story points represented by work items targeted for that iteration |
Micro Average Cycle Time | DW | Graph | Team Area, Category, Timeline, Iteration, Severity, Tags | Work Items | Line graph showing the of the average time work items stay in the active state |
Micro Average Lead Time | DW | Graph | Team Area, Category, Timeline, Iteration, Severity, Tags | Work Items | Line graph showing the average amount of time for a work item to be resolved |
Micro Average Time in State | DW | Graph | Team Area, Category, Timeline, Iteration, Type, Severity, Tags | Work Items | Bar graph showing the average time work items spend in a particular state |
Micro Blocking Work Items | DW | Graph | Project Area, Team Area, Category, Timeline, Iteration | Work Items | Line graph indicating number of open blocking work items over time |
Micro Build Duration | DW | Graph | Team Area, Build Definition, Duration, Include Incomplete Builds | Build Results, JUnit Test Results | Bar graph of build duration over time |
Micro Build Health | DW | Graph | Team Area, Build Definition, Duration, Include Incomplete Builds | Build Results, JUnit Test Results | Line graph of number of JUnit tests over time, overlaid on green/red-filled segments indicating build success or failure |
Micro Burndown | Both | Graph | Project Area, Team Area, Category, Timeline, Iteration, Type, Severity, Priority, Week Days, Details, Tags, Offset | Work Items | "Sprint Burndown" indicating amount of remaining estimated work (in hours) over time, as well as total work over time |
Micro Burndown by Story Points | DW | Graph | Team Area, Timeline, Iteration | Work Items | Line graph showing the remaining story points |
Micro Burnup | Both | Graph | Project Area, Team Area, Category, Timeline, Iteration, Type, Severity, Priority, Week Days, Details, Tags, Offset | Work Items, Team Capacity | "Sprint Burnup" indicating amount of completed work (in hours) over time, compared with total work and team capacity |
Micro Burnup by Story Points | DW | Graph | Team Area, Timeline, Iteration | Work Items | Line graph showing the completed story points |
Micro Change Set Activity | DW | Graph | Team Area, Stream, Component, Duration | Streams, Change Sets | Bar graph indicating number of change sets added/removed/modified in a stream over time. One bar per day |
Micro Closed Work Items by Priority | DW | Graph | Project Area, Team Area, Category, Iteration, Priority | Work Items | Multiple line graph indicating number of closed work items over time, one line per work item priority |
Micro Closed Work Items Daily | DW | Graph | Project Area, Team Area, Category, Timeline, Iteration, Severity | Work Items | Bar graph showing number of work items being closed, one bar per day |
Micro Compiler Warnings | DW | Graph | Team Area, Build Definition, Component, Duration, Include Incomplete Builds | Build Results, JUnit Test Results, Compilation Results | Line graph of compiler warnings over time |
Micro Cumulative Value Flow by State | Live | Graph | Team Area, Category, Timeline, Iteration, Type, Severity, State Group Category, State, and Tags | Work Items | Line graph of all work items over time, broken down by state. Each state has one colored area. |
Micro Cycle Time as Percentage of Unresolved Time | DW | Graph | Team Area, Category, Timeline, Iteration, Severity, Tags | Work Items | Line graph showing the amount of time from when a work item is activated (for example, its state is set to "in progress") to when it is resolved |
Micro Deferred Work Items | DW | Graph | Project Area, Team Area, Category, Timeline, Iteration | Work Items | Line graph indicating number of work items whose "planned for" iteration changed, over time. One data point per day |
Micro Estimated vs Actual Work | DW | Graph | Project Area, Team Area, Timeline, Iteration | Work Items | Line graph showing accuracy of work item estimates as a ratio of estimate/time spent, over time |
Micro File Change Activity | DW | Graph | Team Area, Stream, Component, Duration | Streams, Change Sets | Bar graphs indicating number of file modifications/additions/deletions in a stream over time. One bar per day |
Micro Frequent Test Failures | DW | Table | Team Area, Build Definition, Component, Duration | Build Results, JUnit Test Results | Table indicating top ten frequent JUnit failures, one row per JUnit test |
Micro Frequent Test Regressions | DW | Table | Team Area, Build Definition, Component, Duration | Build Results, JUnit Test Results | Table indicating top ten frequent JUnit regressions, one row per JUnit test |
Micro Test Failures | DW | Graph | Team Area, Build Definition, Component, Duration, Include Incomplete Builds | Build Results, JUnit Test Results | Line graph indicating number of unit test failures over time |
Micro Number of Tests | DW | Graph | Team Area, Build Definition, Component, Duration, Include Incomplete Builds | Build Results, JUnit Test Results | Line graph indicating total number of unit tests over time |
Micro New Work Items by Severity | DW | Graph | Project Area, Team Area, Category, Timeline, Iteration, Type, Severity | Work Items | Bar graph of new (created) work items, one bar per day, stacked by severity |
Micro Open vs Closed Work Items | DW | Graph | Project Area, Team Area, Category, Timeline, Iteration, Type, Severity, Tags | Work Items | Multiple line graph indicating number of work items over time, one line for open work items, one line for closed work items |
Micro Open Work Items by Priority | DW | Graph | Project Area, Team Area, Category, Timeline, Iteration | Work Items | Multiple line graph indicating number of open work items over time, one line per work item priority |
Micro Open Work Items by Type | DW | Graph | Project Area, Team Area, Category, Timeline, Iteration, Type | Work Items | Multiple line graph indicating number of open work items over time, one line for each work item type |
Micro Process Control | DW | Chart | Team Area, Category, Timeline, Iteration, Severity, Tags | Work Items | Chart showing the time a work item is unresolved, from its creation to its resolution |
Micro Release Burndown | Both | Graph | Project Area, Team Area, Timeline, Iteration | Work Items | Line graph indicating number of total story points remaining for the release, one data point for each iteration measured at the start of that iteration |
Micro Story Points | DW | Graph | Project Area, Team Area, Timeline, Iteration | Work Items | Stacked area graph indicating number of story points overtime, one series for remaining story points, one series for achieved story points |
Micro Story Points by Iteration | DW | Graph | Project Area, Team Area, Iteration | Work Items | Bar graph indicating total number of story points allocated to each iteration, one bar per iteration |
Micro Story Points Remaining | DW | Graph | Project Area, Team Area, Timeline, Iteration | Work Items | Line graph indicating number of remaining story points over time |
Micro Team Velocity | DW | Graph | Project Area, Team Area, Timeline, Iteration | Work Items | Bar graph indicating number of achieved story points allocated to each iteration, one bar per iteration |
Micro Timelines | DW | Table | Project Area, Team Area | Project/Team | Table displaying the timeline and iterations associated with the current iteration of a specific project or team area. |
Micro Work Item Comparison | DW | Graph | Team Areas, Timeline, Iteration | Work Items | Multiple line graph indicating number of open work items over time, one line per team area |