Repository tools command to update the IBM Engineering Lifecycle Optimization - Engineering Insights application configuration files
Use the migration_relm_updateConfigurationFiles command to update migration configuration files.
The migration_relm_updateConfigurationFiles command can be used to update the configuration files from previous version to a new version. This command is used in an environment where the upgrade wrapper script cannot be used. The upgrade wrapper script includes this command and automates some of the manual steps. For information about the upgrade process and to generate an upgrade guide, see Interactive upgrade guide.Important: The command
requires that the server is shut down beforehand. Also if your paths contain spaces, ensure you
enclose them in double quotation marks.
Attribute | Description | Required | Default |
oldApplicationHome | Full path to the Engineering Insights home directory in the previous installation. For a typical installation, this path is RELM_installation/server/conf. | Yes | N/A |
applicationContextRoot | Engineering Insights context root. | No | relm |
oldApplicationVersion | The Engineering Insights version that is being upgraded. By default, this is determined by running repotools -version against the old Engineering Insights application. | No | none |
newApplicationHome | Full path to the application configuration directory in the new version installation. | No | conf |
updateAppServerFiles | By default, this option is set to yes to update the Tomcat configuration files when
migrating to Liberty. Set this parameter to noif you are using WebSphere Application Server. |
No | yes |
ignoreJTSVersionCheck | Do not attempt to verify that the application version is compatible with the Jazz® Team Server version located at newJTSHome. This argument should only be used in a distributed deployment where the Jazz Team Server is on a separate system that is inaccessible from the application system. | No | N/A |
newJTSHome | Path to the Jazz Team Server configuration directory of the new version installation. By default, the newJTSHome parameter value is derived from the newApplicationHome parameter value. | No | none |
jtsContextRoot | The new version Jazz Team Server context root. | No | jts |
logFile | Path to the log file. | No | repotools-relm_relm_updateConfogurationFiles.log |
oldApplicationTomcatHome | Full path to the Tomcat root directory in the old installation. Must be an existing directory. By default, the oldApplicationTomcatHome parameter is derived from the oldApplicationHome parameter value. This parameter must be provided for migrating from Apache Tomcat to WebSphere Liberty and if Apache Tomcat was installed in a different directory than default. | No | N/A |
Open a command prompt and enter this command:
cd C:\Program Files\IBM\JazzTeamServer\server\ repotools-relm.bat -migration_relm_updateConfigurationFiles oldApplicationHome="C:\Program Files\IBM\OLD_VERSION_RELM\server\conf"
Open a command line and enter this command:
cd opt/IBM/JazzTeamServer/server/ ./ -migration_relm_updateConfigurationFiles oldApplicationHome=opt/IBM/OLD_VERSION_RELM/server/conf