Engineering Test Management keyboard shortcuts

You can use the following keyboard shortcuts with the Quality Management application.

Keyboard shortcuts for rich text editors

These shortcuts are documented on the CK Editor website.

The following additional shortcuts apply to the rich text editors:

Key combination Function
Ctrl + Right-click Opens the browser menu. If you perform this shortcut on a misspelled word and your browser supports spell-checking, a list of suggested spellings is displayed.

The following shortcuts apply to the manual test script editor:

Key combination Function
Alt + Arrow Keys Moves as directed from the current position. When you move from the current step, the previous or next step is selected. If no next step exists, one is created.
Ctrl + Shift + Enter Inserts a new step before the current step.
Ctrl + Enter Inserts a new step after the current step.
Ctrl + Shift + C + Enter Inserts a new step before the current one with the current step’s custom attributes value.
Ctrl + C + Enter Inserts a new step after the current one with the current step’s custom attributes value.
Ctrl + Shift + D + Enter Inserts a new information step before the current step.
Ctrl + D + Enter Inserts a new information step after the current step.
Shift + Click (after you select a step) Selects a range of steps including the first step and the last step that you click.
Control + Click (after you select a step) Selects a step without clearing the previous selection.

The following shortcuts apply to the execution console when you update test script steps:

Key Function
Ctrl + E Enters edit mode for the Description and Expected Results columns of the selected step.
Ctrl + D Deletes the current step.
Ctrl + Shift + Enter Inserts a new step before the current step.
Ctrl + Shift + C + Enter Inserts a new step before the current one with the current step’s custom attribute values.
Ctrl + Enter Inserts a new step after the current step.
Ctrl + C + Enter Inserts a new step after the current one with the current step’s custom attribute values.
Ctrl + S Saves the current step.

Additional shortcuts:

Key combination Function
Ctrl + S Saves test artifacts.
Ctrl + Shift + X Runs a test case, test suite, test case execution record, or test suite execution record.