Creating requirement attribute data types
You can create custom attribute data types that can be used in custom attributes. Attribute data types define the properties of the attribute values. They provide structure and consistency to custom attributes by offering the administrator a limited set of data types that have a predefined behavior and constraints.
Before you begin
About this task
- Simple
- Enumerated list of values
- Bounded range of values
- integer
- An integer.
- float
- A number that can contain decimal digits.
- boolean
- A check box (marked or cleared).
- date
- A calendar entry.
- time
- A 24-hour time selection or an entry in this format: hours:minutes:seconds.
- dateTime
- Calendar and time entries.
- string
- Alphanumeric text.
- duration
- A time duration entry (integers) in hours, days, or weeks.
- user
- Search the repository team members and select one.
An enumerated list of values is a numbered list
of values with textual labels. You can add and remove numbered entries
and arrange entries in any order.
Tip: If a data type
uses an enumerated list of values, note the order of the values in
the table. That order is the same order that the values will be in
when you assign the attribute value to any artifact; for example,
in the artifact sidebar. The number that is assigned in the value
field is the number that is used when artifacts are sorted by that
attribute. When you order artifacts by an attribute (ascending), the
enumerations with the lowest value will be first.
For a bounded range of values, you must specify a minimum
and maximum for a range of any of the following base data types:
- integer
- An integer.
- float
- A number that can contain decimal digits.
- date
- A calendar entry.
- dateTime
- Calendar and time entries.
To create a custom attribute data type: