Importing lifecycle project templates

You can customize the templates used to create lifecycle projects and then import them into the repository so that you can use them to create new lifecycle projects.

Before you begin

You must have JazzProjectAdmins or JazzAdmins repository group permissions, and the Jazz® Team Server must be running. See Accessing the Lifecycle Project Administration user interface.

About this task

Lifecycle project templates are XML files that specify the application project areas to create and the process templates to use when creating each of the project areas. You can download a template from the Templates page, edit it in an XML editor, and then import it.


  1. In the user interface, click Templates.
  2. Click Import Template.
  3. Click Browse and navigate to the template XML file that you want to import.
    Tip: If you receive an error message that states that there is already a template with the same identifier, the reason is that the <dc:identifier> value in the template XML was not modified. If it is your intention to customize an existing template and replace that template with your customization, delete the existing template and then import your own. If the template is one of the predefined templates, you can restore the original version at any point by clicking Deploy Predefined Templates on the Templates page, which replaces all of the predefined templates with their original versions. Alternatively, you can change the identifier to a unique identifier, then continue with the import operation.


The Templates page is updated to display the imported template.

What to do next

You can now create a lifecycle project based on the imported template.