Configuring process role relationship rules

Within a lifecycle project, you can configure rules that specify which combination of process roles members should have across the project areas.

Before you begin

You must have JazzProjectAdmins or JazzAdmins repository group permissions, and the Jazz® Team Server must be running. See Accessing the Lifecycle Project Administration user interface.

About this task

In a cross-application environment, each project area has its own roles and permissions. For a user to work on linked artifacts in each project area, the user must have sufficient roles and permissions in each project area. For example, in a lifecycle project that includes a change and configuration management project area and a quality management project area where users can link work items with test cases, users need to be assigned to a change and configuration management role that has permission to modify work items and to a quality management role that has permission to modify test cases. After you configure rules that specify the correct combination of process roles across project areas, the Lifecycle Project Administration user interface flags users who do not have those process roles. In this way, the Lifecycle Project Administration user interface helps you to avoid problems where members do not have the permissions needed to do their work.


  1. In the Lifecycle Project Administration user interface, click the Projects page.
  2. Click the lifecycle project for which you want to configure rules.
  3. In the Recommended Role Assignments field, click Download to download the configuration rules XML file to a local directory.
  4. Open the rules file in an XML editor.
    The file contains <context container> tag entries for each project area in the lifecycle project.
    1. For each rule that you want to specify, enter a <roleRule> tag.
    2. Within the <roleRule> tag, enter one <sourceRole> tag, for one project area, and <targetRole> tags for the other project area or areas. Use the id attribute to identify the role. Use the context attribute to identify the project area.
      The <sourceRole> tag identifies the role assignment that triggers the rule. The <targetRole> tags identify the role assignments that the user should have in the other project areas.
    3. After you finish entering rules, save the file.
  5. In the Recommended Role Assignments field, click Update. Click Browse and navigate to the modified XML file.


The following configuration rule file specifies two rules. In the first rule, if a user has the ScrumMaster role in the change and configuration management project area, that user must have the tester role and the Administrator role in the quality management and requirements management project areas, respectively.

In the second rule, if a user has the ProductOwner role in the change and configuration management project area, that user must have the contributor role and the Author role in the quality management and requirements management project areas, respectively.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<configuration xmlns="">
    <context container="" id="rqm.project"/>
    <context container="" id="rrc.project"/>
    <context container="" id="rtc.project"/>
        <sourceRole id="ScrumMaster" context="#rtc.project"/>
        <targetRole id="tester" context="#rqm.project"/>
        <targetRole id="Administrator" context="#rrc.project"/>
        <sourceRole id="Product Owner" context="#rtc.project"/>
        <targetRole id="contributor" context="#rqm.project"/>
        <targetRole id="Author" context="#rrc.project"/>

If a user does not have the roles specified by the configuration rules, the Lifecycle Project Administration user interface flags the violation on the Members page. For example, in the figure below, Bob does not have the contributor role in the quality management project area.

This screen capture shows the entry for the user Bob on the Members page of the lifecycle project. A red X appears in the QM column. The Status column indicates that the user requires the contributor role.