Lesson 7: Take a snapshot of the planned schedule

In this lesson, you take a planned snapshot of the committed plan. This snapshot is the snapshot of the plan after resources are assigned to the work items. A plan can have only one planned snapshot.

About this task

Plan snapshots are approved project plans with which you can measure and control activities during project implementation. Managers can compare current plans with previous snapshots to analyze the progress of projects and to forecast project outcomes. For more information about snapshots, see Plan snapshots.


  1. Click the Snapshots tab in a plan.
  2. Click the Create Snapshot (Create Snapshot icon) icon.
  3. Type the name of the snapshot and a comment.
  4. For the snapshot type, select Planned.
  5. Click OK.


The planned snapshot is displayed on the Snapshots tab. During the project, you can compare the progress of the plan against the committed plan that is saved as the planned snapshot.

Lesson checkpoint

In this lesson, you completed the tutorial by taking a snapshot of the committed plan.