Installation information for z/OS system programmers

If you are a system programmer, use this information to supplement the SMP/E installation information.

Before you install the IBM Engineering Lifecycle Management (ELM) products on a z/OS system, review the following information:
  1. Hardware and software requirements
  2. SMP/E installation process
  3. Security on z/OS systems
  4. PARMLIB changes
  5. TCP/IP ports
  6. z/OS sample members

PARMLIB changes

Use commands to set APF authorizations and modify PARMLIB definitions.

Refer to MVS Initialization and Tuning Reference (SA22-7592) for more information about the PARMLIB definitions listed in this section. Refer to MVS System Commands (SA22-7627) for more information about sample console commands.

Set z/OS UNIX limits in BPXPRMxx

If you are installing the IBM Engineering Workflow Management (EWM) ISPF client, the ISPF daemon requires a large address space size for proper operation. Set one of the following variables:
Set the value of the MAXASSIZE variable in PARMLIB member BPXPRMxx to 2GB, which is the maximum value allowed. MAXASSIZE specifies the maximum address space (process) region size. This is a system-wide limit that is set for all z/OS UNIX address spaces. If you do not want to set a system-wide limit, set the limit for the ISPF client only, as described in the next action.
Set the value of the ASSIZEMAX variable of the OMVS segment for the user ID STCISPF or another user ID for the ISPF Daemon started task to 2GB, which provides the ISPF daemon the required region size, regardless of changes to MAXASSIZE.

LNKLST definitions in PROGxx

The library hlq.SBLZAUTH, which contains the BLZPASTK module, must be made available through the LNKLST definition.

Note: The steps of the LNKLST definitions are needed only if you plan to use the EWM ISPF client.

LNKLST data sets are defined in PARMLIB member PROGxx, if your site followed IBM recommendations.

The following example shows the required definition:
where listname is the name of the LNKLST set being activated, hlq is the high-level qualifier you used during SMP/E installation, and volser is the volume on which the data set resides if it is not cataloged in the primary catalog.
LNKLST definitions can be created dynamically (until the next IPL) using the following console commands,

Run the console command SETPROG LNKLST,UPDATE,JOB=* to update an address space so that a specified job or jobs associated with that space can use the current LNKLST set.

APF authorizations in PROGxx

For Job Monitor to access JES spool files, the following must be APF-authorized:
  • Modules BLZJMON and BLZENF70 in the hlq.SBLZAUTH load library, where hlq is the high-level qualifier you used during SMP/E installation. These modules must be APF-authorized only if you do not have IBM Developer for z/OS installed and if you intend to run z/OS builds that submit JCL directly.
  • The Language Environment® (LE) runtime libraries (CEE.SCEERUN*)

APF authorizations are defined in SYS1.PARMLIB(PROGxx), if your site follows IBM recommendations.

You can set APF authorizations dynamically with the following console commands:
where hlq is the high-level qualifier you used during SMP/E installation, and volser is the volume on which the data set resides if it is not SMS-managed.
Note: If the ISPF client is being installed, then the hlq.SBLZAUTH data set must be added to the LNKLST as previously mentioned. If your site automatically APF authorizes LNKLST data sets, then it may not be necessary to implicitly APF authorize the hlq.SBLZAUTH data set.

AUTHPGM definitions in IKJTSOxx

In addition to the load library containing program BLZPASTK being added to the LNKLST, the program itself must be added to the authorized TSO command list in parmlib member IKJTSOxx.

The following example shows the required definition, assuming that IEBCOPY is already in the AUTHPGM list:

TCP/IP ports

Jazz Team Server and the other components on z/OS use the following TCP/IP ports. Notify your firewall and TCP/IP administrators about the ports that are relevant to your installation.
Miscellaneous component ports (non-server ports)
This port is the default port for the Rational® Build Agent. If there are multiple build agents, there are multiple ports.
This port is the default port for the ISPF daemon.
If you use the sample configuration file included with the Engineering Workflow Management SMP/E package, this port is the default port for the Job Monitor.
WebSphere® Application Server and WebSphere Liberty profile server ports
Typically, you configure the WebSphere Application Server ports when you configure the application server.

z/OS sample members

These tables list the member names, types, and usage of the samples that are included in the following MVS data set: hlq.SBLZSAMP.
Table 1. Samples for initial setup
Member name Type Usage
BLZCPBFA JCL Creates and customizes z/OS UNIX System Services (USS) files and directories for the Rational Build Agent
BLZCPBTK JCL Creates and customizes USS files and directories for the Build System Toolkit
BLZCPCCM JCL Creates and customizes USS files and directories for the Change and Configuration Management (CCM) application
BLZCPDCC JCL Creates and customizes USS directories for the Data Collection Component
BLZCPGC JCL Creates and customizes USS directories for Global Configuration Management
BLZCPJTS JCL Creates and customizes USS files and directories for Jazz Team Server
BLZCPLDX JCL Creates and customizes USS files and directories for the Link Index Provider
BLZCPLQE JCL Creates and customizes USS files and directories for the Lifecycle Query Engine
BLZCPPVM JCL Creates and customizes USS files and directories for the Build Manager
BLZCPQM JCL Creates and customizes USS files and directories for the Quality Management (QM) application
BLZCPRE JCL Creates and customizes USS files and directories for the IBM Engineering Lifecycle Optimization - Engineering Insights (ENI) application
BLZCPRM JCL Creates and customizes USS files and directories for the Requirements Management (RM) application
BLZCPRS JCL Creates and customizes USS files and directories for the Report Builder
BLZCPWLP JCL Creates and customizes USS files and directories for the WebSphere Liberty Profile server
Table 2. Resource Access Control Facility (RACF) samples
Member name Type Usage
BLZRACF JCL General RACF® sample definitions
BLZRACFL JCL General RACF sample definitions and Liberty Profile server definitions
BLZRACFT JCL Build System Toolkit RACF sample definitions
Table 3. Repository tools samples
Member name Type Usage
BLZADDTB JCL Adds or updates Jazz Team Server, CCM, or QM Db2®, or Derby database tables
BLZCCMU JCL Updates CCM configuration files during an upgrade
BLZCREDB JCL Creates Db2 or Derby database tables or data warehouse tables for Jazz Team Server and the CCM and QM applications
BLZDCCU JCL Upgrades Data Collection Component configuration files
BLZDWHLD JCL Loads data warehouse tables
BLZDWHUN JCL Unloads data warehouse tables
BLZEXPOR JCL Exports the Db2 repository for Jazz Team Server and the CCM and QM applications
BLZGCU JCL Upgrades Global Configuration Management configuration files
BLZIMPOR JCL Imports the database repository to Db2 for Jazz Team Server and the CCM and QM applications.
BLZJTSU JCL Upgrades Jazz Team Server configuration files
BLZDWHUP JCL Upgrades Db2 or Derby data warehouse tables
BLZQMU JCL Upgrades the QM application
BLZRELMU JCL Upgrades Engineering Insights configuration files
BLZRMU JCL Upgrades the RM application
BLZRPOTL JCL Can be modified to run any repository tool command 
Table 4. Samples for starting and stopping components
Member name Type Usage
BLZBENG JCL Starts the Jazz Build Engine
BLZBFA JCL Starts the Rational Build Agent as a started task
BLZISPFD JCL Starts the Engineering Workflow Management ISPF daemon server
BLZISPFS JCL Stops the Engineering Workflow Management ISPF daemon server
BLZJJCL JCL Starts the Job Monitor
BLZPVM JCL Starts the Engineering Workflow Management Build Manager daemon
BLZWASE JCL Starts the context-aware search engine
Table 5. Samples for IBM Developer for z/OS and Job Monitor
Member name Type Usage
BLZJCNFG Configuration file Sample Job Monitor configuration file to use with the IBM Developer for z/OS integration feature
BLZENVAR Configuration file Sample configuration file to use with the IBM Developer for z/OS integration feature
BLZTSO Job Monitor sample Used with Job Monitor
Table 6. Enterprise Extensions promotion and deployment sample executable files
Member name Type Usage
BLZBKPZP REXX Deployment backup sample EXEC
BLZDEPZP REXX Deployment sample EXEC
BLZPKGZP REXX Deployment package sample EXEC
Table 7. Miscellaneous samples
Member name Type Usage
BLZBPASS JCL Creates an encrypted password file to use with the Jazz Build Engine, Rational Build Agent, or IBM Developer for z/OS integration feature.
BLZDTLRX REXX Processes allocations and calls the ISPF DTL conversion utility (ISPDTLC)
BLZGTWY JCL Starts the ISPF Gateway
BLZIVP JCL Engineering Workflow Management installation verification process
BLZRSCMP JCL Sample JCL for compacting the RS database
BLZZANGL JCL Start the WebSphere Liberty angel process
BLZZSRV JCL Start the WebSphere Liberty server
Table 8. Db2 repository backup
Member name Type Usage
BLZBIND JCL Db2 BIND for the plans for BLZUNLD and BLZREPR programs
  1. Runs the BLZUNLD program to generate UNLOAD statements.
  2. Prints the non-LOB table UNLOAD statements for reference.
  3. Prints the LOB table UNLOAD statements for reference.
  4. Runs the non-LOB table UNLOAD.
  5. Runs the LOB table UNLOAD.
BLZSYSIN REXX Merges the SYSIN files and then edits the merged SYSIN file:
  • To change the schema prefix, if required
BLZDB2LD JCL UNLOAD ELM in five steps:
  1. Deletes the merged SYSIN file.
  2. Runs the BLZSYSIN program.
  3. Runs the LOAD.
  4. Runs BLZREPR program to create REPAIR statements.
  5. Runs the REPAIR.