Interim fix 32

Known issues that are fixed in the interim fix 32.

Contents of interim fix 32

Server interim fix file
Jazz® Reporting Service (Report Builder) interim fix file
Build ID: JRS_7.0.2-I20241129-0129
Lifecycle Query Engine interim fix file
Build ID: LQE_7.0.2-I20241121-0907
Link Index Provider interim fix file
Build ID: LQE_7.0.2-I20241128-2230
IBM® Engineering Workflow Management Client for Eclipse update site file
IBM Engineering Workflow Management Client for Microsoft Visual Studio readme file
IBM Engineering Workflow Management Client for Microsoft Visual Studio interim fix file
IBM Engineering Workflow Management Client for Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 IDE readme file
IBM Engineering Workflow Management Client for Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 IDE interim fix file
IBM Engineering Workflow Management Client for Microsoft Windows Shell readme file
IBM Engineering Workflow Management for Microsoft Windows Shell interim fix file
APAR PH32216 fix
WebSphere® Application Server script file
Default context root map file
WebSphere Application Server script file
APAR PH49955 fix file

For more information, see IBM Engineering Lifecycle Optimization Engineering Insights in interim fix 16 through interim fix 27.

APAR PH53639 fix file

For more information, see IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS® Next in interim fix 16 through interim fix 27.

APAR DT246685 fix file

For more information, see IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS Next in interim fix 30.

Oracle Outside In Technology fix file

For more information, see IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS Next in interim fix 30.

APAR PH58954 fix

For more information, see IBM Engineering Lifecycle Optimization Engineering Insights in interim fix 28.

IBM Engineering Workflow Management

For more information, see Installing the IBM Engineering Workflow Management client on Eclipse update site.

ID Description Components affected
DT224796 Serviceability change to workitemdto2 method call to log the work item information. Work Items

Jazz Foundation

ID Description Components affected
DT387215 Lock contention in OAuthServiceProvider.getKeyAndSecret. Repository
DT398597 Can't access the OAuth URL error while downloading the report from QM. Reporting
DT202843 GC stream name is shown like wrapped text and the name column cannot be expanded. Global Configuration Management
DT395461 Appcreds insert failures create noise in the logs. Repository
DT399739 The default log level should be WARN at server startup. JTS
Internal TRS validation deletion task impacts server performance for longer even when validation is successful. Repository
DT237210 Work item type icons broken in the dashboard widget. Web UI > Dashboards
DT389376 Problems while editing project areas that are members of life cycle projects. Lifecycle Project Administration
Internal Db2® : Slow or inefficient query in TrsValidationStoreService.getTokensInUse(). TRS
DT396223 Running the repotools command computeChangesetDependencies results in 0 committed change sets with uncomputed dependencies. Repository

IBM Engineering Test Management

ID Description Components affected
DT409406 Test suite OSLC response contains deleted test case. Integrations > OSLC
DT365665 Word spacing lost in PDF summary export of a test case. Reporting > PDF
DT398751 OSLCRequestHandlerService is doing extra work to filter selections when a request is from the LDX. Integrations > TRS
DT395666 No change events while archiving Project area only in clustered environments. Integrations > TRS
DT391641 Copying a test script creates a new row in REQUIREMENT_ABSTRACT_REQUIRMNT table. Test Construction > Test Scripts
DT397850 Unable to delete attachments that are added before defect-195350 fix. Common Components > Attachments
DT394203 The feature Move Up and Move Down are broken. Test Planning > Test Plans
DT397695 Query in TestScriptStepResultQuerySupport.findArchivedExecutionResultsContainingStepResults is missing a predicate. Integrations > TRS
DT239524 Export CSV blocked by flooded Foundation executeTaskAfterCurrentOutermostTransaction queue. Common Components > Search
DT396628 Can't open history of artifacts. Test Construction > Test Cases
DT396807 My Reviews dashboard widget shows already approved test cases. Common Components > Formal Review
DT390009 ETM allows users to create links to DOORS Next that are incompatible with LDX through OSLC API. Integrations > OSLC

IBM Engineering Requirements Management DOORS Next

ID Description Components affected
Internal Change Set delivery logging. CM
DT395747 TRS DMT is suspended and then deadlocks when modifying the TRS Validation Socket Timeout advanced property. Reporting - ETL and JRS
DT394779 Missing artifacts and vertical scroll bar while filtering binding artifacts with link column set with workflow attribute. Filtering and Sorting
DT398234 Incoming LDX links are not present in the RRDG doc report. Reporting - RRDG
DT416604 Cross project linking - Changes to link permissions between interim fix 30 and interim fix 31. Links - Internal
DT395024 Current configuration changes and redirects when a bad link is in the primary text. Links - Internal
DT396897 Log-based TRS: Module bindings with missing bound artifacts are incorrectly exposed in configuration selections.
Note: In case TRS validation reported extra resources in selections for module bindings with missing bound artifacts, follow these steps to resolve the issue:
  1. Pause the corresponding DN resources data source in LQE.
  2. Run a full TRS validation for DN TRS feed.
  3. Apply the fix.
  4. Resume LQE indexing the DN resources data source.
Reporting - ETL and JRS
DT398241 Filter on a string attribute, which has a rdf URI assigned, causes the module to load empty in a changeset or while navigating back to the module. Filtering and Sorting
DT209018 Identifier [xxxx]' not valid during export of reqif file. ReqIF and DOORS Migration
DT409193 TRS validation of dnext resources on a Perf FGC environment has discrepancies when a large module contains artifact bound multiple times. Reporting - ETL and JRS
DT397890 CSV Export - links can show an incorrect module ID when their cell contains links to or from bindings from different modules. Import and Export - CSV and Excel
DT379999 Reqif import moves existing modules to the folder specified for new modules instead of updating them. ReqIF and DOORS Migration
Internal TRS subsystem is not robust to service restart - likely to result deadlock in blocked DMT. Reporting - ETL and JRS
DT396715 While querying for derived links in a CM-enabled project, if an associated server is unreachable, link discovery through LDX might not include that association's link types, preventing the links from being shown at all. Links - OSLC
DT392976 Row style changes of heading or normal are ignored, while performing DNG > DNG ReqIF import and export. ReqIF and DOORS Migration
DT400242 Full DCC ETL is slow. Performance
DT399761 Artifact in the module is deleted during reqif import if there is a change in the module hierarchy. ReqIF and DOORS Migration

Lifecycle Query Engine

ID Description Components affected
DT396610 Blocked queries include comments which can break them. Lifecycle Query Engine

Jazz Reporting Service

For more information, see Installing interim fixes for Jazz Reporting Service.

ID Description Components affected
DT398204 Excluded baseline shapes cause DNG workflow state enums to also be excluded. Report Builder
DT394104 Some characters are still encoded in reports when exported to Excel, PDF, and Word. Report Builder
DT398205 Count by ID limited to an enum does not work. Report Builder

IBM Engineering Lifecycle Optimization Engineering Insights

ID Description Components affected
DT406996 Audit log setting is missing in log4j2.xml file of ENI.
Note: To support audit logging, update the following tags to the log4j2.xml file in the server/conf/relm directory:
  1. Add the following in the <Appenders> tag:
    <!-- Audit log Appender -->
    <RollingFile name="auditFile" filename="audit/${app}-audit.log" filePattern="audit/${app}-audit.%d{yyyy-MM-dd}.log">
            <PatternLayout pattern="%d{ISO8601} - %m%n"/>
                <TimeBasedTriggeringPolicy interval="1"/>
  2. Add the following in the <Loggers> tag:
    <!-- Audit Logger -->
    <Logger name="auditLogger" level="INFO" additivity="false">
             <AppenderRef ref="auditFile"/>
DT378754 ENI fails to log timeout errors in RELM logs. View
DT396813 Impact analysis filters: Project areas take too long to load. Impact Analysis
DT396499 View level project scope is not applied on the existing CAE containers in OOTB views. Custom Artifact Elements

IBM Engineering Lifecycle Optimization - Publishing

ID Description Components affected
DT416824 In Document builder reports, ownership is lost while updating the template. Document Builder
DT400158 Truncate Job Event's details column if it exceeds 4000 limit. Document Builder
DT398252 Can't use #N/A formula in Excel. Excel