Imported components in synchronized streams
UCM components, sub-VOB components, and VOBs are automatically mapped to IBM® Engineering Workflow Management (EWM) components in a synchronized stream.
When you import a file or folder from Rational® ClearCase®, it is added to a EWM component whose name corresponds to the VOB tag, sub-VOB component name (for base Rational ClearCase), or UCM component where it originated. For example, an import of two folders from the base Rational ClearCase path \myvob\projects\UI and \myvob\projects\CLI creates a EWM component named myvob that contains a projects folder. Importing UCM paths \othervob\comp1\DB and \othervob\comp2\SERVER creates a EWM stream that includes a component named comp1, which contains a DB folder and a component named comp2, which contains a SERVER folder.
For more information about specifying a sub-VOB component and its name, see Preparing a sub-VOB component for base Rational ClearCase synchronization.