Imported components in synchronized streams

UCM components, sub-VOB components, and VOBs are automatically mapped to IBM® Engineering Workflow Management (EWM) components in a synchronized stream.

When you import a file or folder from Rational® ClearCase®, it is added to a EWM component whose name corresponds to the VOB tag, sub-VOB component name (for base Rational ClearCase), or UCM component where it originated. For example, an import of two folders from the base Rational ClearCase path \myvob\projects\UI and \myvob\projects\CLI creates a EWM component named myvob that contains a projects folder. Importing UCM paths \othervob\comp1\DB and \othervob\comp2\SERVER creates a EWM stream that includes a component named comp1, which contains a DB folder and a component named comp2, which contains a SERVER folder.

Note: You can rename the EWM component after synchronizing with Rational ClearCase without disrupting the synchronization. The renamed EWM component continues to be in sync with the Rational ClearCase component that has the original name.

For more information about specifying a sub-VOB component and its name, see Preparing a sub-VOB component for base Rational ClearCase synchronization.