Create plans and work items

This tutorial is a series of lessons in movie format that demonstrate how to use the Engineering Workflow Management client for Microsoft Visual Studio IDE to create plans and work items.

You can use plans to manage work items within the context of fixed development periods within a project. You can create a plan overview; create and modify work item assignments for team members; track the progress of the work that is committed for the iteration; and create additional documentation.

You can create different types of plans for a project, such as a Project Release plan, Team Release plan, and Iteration plan.

A work item is a method of tracking tasks and issues that a team addresses during a development cycle. The status and number of work items are indicators of the health of your project.

Learning objectives

This tutorial demonstrates the following tasks:

  • Learning objective 1: Create a plan.
  • Learning objective 2: Create a work item.

Time required

This tutorial takes approximately 10 minutes to view. If you want to study the procedures, user interface, and related concepts, plan to spend more time.

Skill level



This tutorial is designed for team members who use the IBM® Engineering Workflow Management client for Microsoft Visual Studio IDE.

System requirements

For this tutorial, the following products are installed and configured:
  • Engineering Workflow Management client for Microsoft Visual Studio IDE
  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2015
  • Jazz® Team Server
See the related links for instructions on configuring the integration of these products.


This is a "watch-and-learn" tutorial. There are no prerequisites to viewing this tutorial.
Related conceptsGetting starting with the Engineering Workflow Management client for Microsoft Visual Studio IDEIBM Engineering Workflow Management client for Microsoft Visual Studio IDE is a team collaboration tool that is designed to cater to the needs of different roles available in a team. Engineering Workflow Management works on the client-server architecture. All the clients of Engineering Workflow Management call Jazz Team Server for various functions. You will still be using the Microsoft Visual Studio IDE and can take advantage of all the features of the IBM Engineering Workflow Management client for Microsoft Visual Studio IDE.