Importing Rational ClearCase history from a UCM stream

Use the ClearCase Baseline Importer to import Rational® ClearCase® data with full or partial baseline history from a UCM stream to IBM® Engineering Workflow Management (EWM). After it is imported, you can modify the files in EWM, but you cannot export to Rational ClearCase with the import-only synchronized stream.

Before you begin

If you are going to import a subset of baseline history, rather than all baseline history, from a UCM stream, you must prepare the Rational ClearCase data. For more information, see Preparing to import Rational ClearCase data with history.

About this task

After you complete or verify all of the prerequisite requirements, complete the following tasks to import a UCM stream and then select files and folders to import with history from the UCM stream.

Importing a Rational ClearCase UCM stream

Create a synchronized stream for importing UCM baseline history by completing the following steps.


  1. Click File > Import.
  2. In the Import window, expand Jazz Source Control, select ClearCase Stream or Branch, and click Next.
  3. In the ClearCase Stream Information page, select Import with history from ClearCase.
    Click OK to close the Import with History information window.
  4. Specify a configuration for the Rational ClearCase dynamic view that the wizard creates to support the import process:
    1. To configure the view from a UCM stream, select Import from an existing UCM stream.
    2. Enter the name of an existing stream in the form stream-name@PVOB-tag.
      For example, to specify a stream named my_stream in a PVOB with the tag \projects, enter my_stream@\projects. Use the cleartool lsstream command or the Rational ClearCase Project Explorer to search for stream names.
    Note: You cannot import Rational ClearCase history from a read-only stream. You can import the history from its parent stream if the parent stream is not read-only, or you can create a new, writable child stream identical to the read-only child stream, and then import history from the new stream.
    The wizard validates the syntax (but not the existence) of the stream name, and then it enables the Next button.
  5. Click Next.
  6. In the ClearCase Storage Information page, specify the network path to a directory where the wizard can create view storage for a Rational ClearCase dynamic view to enable importing from Rational ClearCase to EWM.
    The Importer seeds this entry with a network path that consists of the local host name and the string \VIEWSTORAGE. If this directory exists on the local host and is a valid location for view storage (it must be shared on Windows or exported on the UNIX system or Linux®), you can use it. Otherwise, specify the network path to another local or remote directory where the view storage can be created.
    The wizard creates a dynamic view with storage in this directory and a distinctive view tag (the prefix DO_NOT_USE and a UUID suffix). This view must not be modified by Rational ClearCase users.

    If applicable, check Enter additional option set information for creating ClearCase views and enter the appropriate values for the host name, host-local path, and global storage path of the Rational ClearCase server storage location.

  7. Choose the line ending type of text files that are stored in the Rational ClearCase VOB. Doing so ensures that the line ending type of text files is preserved when importing to the EWM repository. Click Next.
    The wizard validates the view storage path and, if provided, the global storage path.
  8. On the Select Project or Team Area page, expand the repository entry and select the project or team area to which you added the synchronization process EWM account (see Adding the Jazz administrative user to your team).
    Tip: If there are no entries under the repository, verify that you are connected to the project area, then try again.
    Click Next.
  9. The Jazz Source Control Information page displays the name of a merge workspace that the wizard creates.
  10. To create file histories on top of previously imported content, you can choose an EWM snapshot by selecting Specify a snapshot to be used as initial content of Jazz synchronized stream.
  11. Optional: Choose a work item template to associate with the synchronized stream. Enter the work item id in the Work Item Template field or click Browse to display a Work Item Selection window.
    For more information, see Creating a synchronized stream work item template.
    Note: Although this step is optional, your team process might require the work item template. The work item template is required when the project area in which the synchronization stream is created requires that change sets must be associated with a work item.
  12. A default Synchronization user ID is displayed in this field. (The default ID is ccsync.) If your synchronization process EWM account uses an ID other than the default, replace the ID with the correct value. Enter the password for the synchronization process EWM account.
  13. In the Connector install location field, type the path name where the ClearCase Synchronizer is installed on this host or click Browse to browse for it.
    The ClearCase Synchronizer is typically installed in the EWM installation directory.
  14. Select Start a Jazz Synchronization Engine process after the wizard finishes, and select Start the Select Files wizard after this wizard finishes.
  15. Click Finish.
    The ClearCase Baseline Importer creates a synchronized stream in EWM, starts the synchronization engine process in the background, then opens the Select Files wizard.

Importing files and folders with history

About this task

In the Select Files wizard, select Rational ClearCase files and folders as synchronized roots and choose to import all or only some baselines for the component to which each folder belongs.


  1. On the Select Files To Import page, complete one of the following actions to select files and folder in a UCM component whose baselines you want to import.
    Restriction: Select as synchronized roots folders or files that are visible in all baselines that you are going to import. As each successive baseline is imported, any synchronized roots that are not visible in that baseline are removed. When a folder is removed as a synchronized root, no further baseline information is imported for that folder, even if it exists in later baselines.
    • If you already imported files and folders with history, select Show currently imported objects in the table to display the synchronization roots in the Import Table.
    • To select files and folders by browsing mounted VOBs, click Browse to display a list of VOBs that are mounted by the synchronization host. (To speed up browsing, dismount any VOBs that you do not intend to access.) If no VOBs are visible in the window, verify that the VOBs from which you want to import are mounted on the synchronization host. When you finish selecting files and folders, click OK to close the browser and display the selected paths in the list of Import Table.
    • To select files and folders manually, enter a path name that is visible in the Rational ClearCase stream you specified in the Import wizard and then click Add. The path name must be relative to the view root. If you are using a UCM stream, the path name must be within a UCM component. All path names that you specify for import must begin with a VOB tag (without any leading / or \ characters) and include the full path from the VOB root to the project root folder. For example:
      Selects a folder named my_project that is stored in the eclipse_projects folder of the VOB whose VOB tag is \sources.
  2. In the Choose baselines to import area, select the baseline history that you want to import for each component to which the synchronized roots belong:
    • Select Import all baselines to import the history from all baselines in the Rational ClearCase stream.
    • Select Import all baselines which have the following attribute type if you want to import a subset of baselines that have a particular attribute type that is associated with them. You can use Rational ClearCase to associate the attribute type with specific baselines. (See the details in the Before you begin section.)
  3. Click Finish to close the Select Files wizard and begin importing the specified Rational ClearCase files and folder with baseline history.
    Depending on the size of the component, number of baselines of the component in the stream, and the amount of historical data available in the baselines, the import might take from a few minutes to hours or days to complete.


After the initial import, you can import subsequent baseline history for the specified files and folders by running a synchronization on the synchronized stream. If you select more files or folders as synchronized roots after the initial import, they are not imported with history from the initial baseline. They are imported only with history from baselines that are subsequent to the last import.
Tip: To import more files and folders with the same history as the originally imported files and folders, create a new synchronized stream, selecting a synchronized root that contains all of the files and folders that you want to import with history.
Each imported UCM baseline is stored as a baseline in EWM. To view these baselines:
  1. In the context of a stream or workspace, navigate to the component.
  2. Right-click the component, and then select Replace with > Baseline.
  3. Click Clear filter to display all baselines. If the list of baselines is longer than the window, only a subset is displayed. Click Show More to see the full list.

What to do next

Note: When you create a ClearCase Synchronized Stream, the wizard creates a text file named synchronization process EWM account ID.cred.txt (for example, ccsync.cred.txt) that contains the user ID and an obfuscated password for that account.