Lesson 5: Using the Team Dashboard and My Work views

In this section you will learn some of the major functions of the Team Dashboard and My Work views

About this task

The Team Dashboard view is the user-customizable collaboration hub of the IBM® Engineering Workflow Management Platform which allows team members to see what's going on within their team. Team Dashboard is an Eclipse view with multiple sections. A typical section shows a concise summary and connects to another view or editor that presents the information in more detail. The user can configure which sections are visible at any time.

Accessing the web dashboard interface

About this task

Log in to the CCM application on the Jazz Team Server (https://[server]:[port]/ccm)


  1. The default project dashboard appears. If you do not see the project dashboard, in the upper-left corner click the Home Menu icon (small triangle); below My Projects, click Prelude.
  2. If you have the appropriate permissions, you can add and remove widgets on the dashboard. By default, information on plans, server status, work items, and more are shown.

Accessing the built-in sections in the Team Dashboard view

About this task

Open the Team Dashboard view:


  1. In the Eclipse client, click Window > Show View > Team Dashboard.
  2. Optional: To show or hide a section, in the upper-right corner, click the View Menu icon; then click Visible Sections and select or clear an item from the list.

Configuring a section

Each section has its own menu that you can use to configure its content. In the following steps, you will configure the Team Load section. The Team Load section displays a team workload on a specific iteration.


  1. In the Team Load section, in the upper-right corner, click the Menu icon; then click Configure.
  2. In the Configure Team Load dialog box, ensure that the Owner field is set to Prelude and the Iteration field is set to Sprint 1 (1.0).
  3. Click OK.
    The Team Load section displays the workload of each member of the Prelude team for the Sprint 1 (1.0) iteration. If you hover the mouse pointer over a team member, a hover widget displays details about their workload:
    Hover widget with more details about a team member's workload

Creating a Query section

Add a Query section that is based on a work item query.


  1. In the Team Dashboard view, in the upper-right corner, click the View Menu icon; then click New Section > Queries.
  2. In the new Query section, click on configuration wizard hyperlink.
  3. In the Configure Query Section wizard, on the Select Queries page, click Add Query.
  4. In the Select Queries dialog box, navigate to Prelude > My Queries and select Open Work Items.
  5. Click OK.
  6. On the Select Queries page, click Next.
  7. On the Section Settings page, complete the following steps:
    1. In the Section name field, enter All Open Work Items.
    2. To set the Style, select Multi-Bar.
    3. In the Group by field, select Owner.
    4. Ensure that Update interval is 5 minutes.
  8. Click Finish.
    The All Open Work Items Section displays the results.
  9. To view a list of open work items assigned to Jamie, click on the Jamie bar.

Using the My Work view

The My Work view is a user-customizable view that allows team members to manage their own work. Like the Team Dashboard view, the My Work view is an Eclipse view with multiple sections. A typical section shows a concise summary and connects to another view or editor that presents the information in more detail. You can configure which sections are visible at any time.

About this task

You can save changes in the My Work view. Changes you make while managing your work in the My Work view can directly impact work items and your teams' plans. If you have an editor open on an affected work item or plan, it contains unsaved changes until you save your My Work view or the corresponding editor.


To open the My Work view, click Window > Show View > My Work.

Basic My Work view configuration

You can set up and change the settings of the My Work View.

Take a look at the My Work view's main menu: in the upper-right corner, click the View Menu icon.

If you had more than one project area, the first thing to do would be to select one via the Select Project Area action. As you can see, the Prelude project area has already been selected for you.

The Edit Work Environment action takes you to the Work Environment tab of your User definition. Setting this information, in addition to the information on the Scheduled Absences tab, helps make the management of you and your teams' workloads more accurate.

The Settings > Preferences action takes you to a dialog box where you can select how work items in your Work sections are grouped. Stay with the default for the tutorial but please feel free to experiment on your own.

In the menu for the Current Work section (access using the Menu icon in the upper right corner of the Current Work section), select the My Work Load > Main Development action.
Note: The Main Development menu item is the name of the single timeline defined in the Prelude project area's iteration structure. If you had other timelines defined, there would be other choices. For more information on what timelines are, see Timeline; however, you should complete the tutorial first.
Note: The bar in the Current Work section is the same as the bars in the Team Load section of the Team Dashboard view except that it just shows your load for what you have added to your Current Work section for a particular timeline.

Manipulating work items in the My Work view

Start organizing your work. You will see how the load changes, among other interesting things.

About this task

To drag and drop work items into the My Work view:


In the My Work view, in the Current Work section, drag a few of the work items onto the Today subsection.

Changing plans in the My Work view

Change the plans for work items in the My Work view.


  1. In the My Work view, in the Current Work section, right-click a work item; then click Plan for > No Target Iteration.
    The work item moves to the Future Work section of the view. Items targeted to future iterations can also display there. Also note that the work item has been changed; its Planned For field is now unassigned and both the My Work view and the work item are marked with an asterisk (*) Saving the My Work view (Ctrl+S) will save both. This change of iteration target is also reflected in your plan(s). The work item should be part of the Sprint 1 (1.0) iteration, so lets move it back.
  2. In the Future Work section, right-click the work item; then click Plan for > Sprint 1 (1.0).
  3. Press Ctrl+S to save the change.

Adding sections to the My Work view

Like the Team Dashboard view, you can add sections to the My Work view.


In the My Work view, in the upper-right corner, click the View Menu icon; then click Visible Sections and select a section from the list.
This submenu looks similar to the same submenu in the Team Dashboard view, except that there are a few sections specific to the My Work view.

Using the Event Log

The Event Log section shows event information delivered by news feeds. By default, Jazz provides several news feeds, including Build Events for My Teams, My Work Item Changes, and My Teams in Project Area.

About this task

Display and configure the Event Log:


  1. In the My Work view, in the upper-right corner, click the View Menu icon; then click Visible Sections and select Event Log.
    The Event Log section displays the default event information.
  2. To configure the Event Log, in the Event Log section, click the Menu icon; then click Configure.
    The Configuration of the Event Log dialog box opens, which enables you to add and filter feeds, as well as set feed options.

Lesson checkpoint

In this lesson you learned the basics of using the My Work and Team Dashboard views.