Integrating with GitLab Community and GitLab Enterprise

You can configure IBM Engineering Workflow Management (EWM) to link GitLab commits to EWM work items by configuring post-receive hooks or webhooks in GitLab. You can also configure preconditions and permissions for push operation by configuring pre-receive hooks in GitLab.

Before you begin

Before you configure traceability between commits and work items, or process support for push operations, you must complete the tasks described in Configuring the basic integration with GitLab.

About this task

Unless otherwise noted, all topics in this section apply to both GitLab Community and GitLab Enterprise editions.

To enable linking work items to commits, you configure post-receive hooks or webhooks in GitLab, so that after a push operation completes, a commit link is created in the EWM work items mentioned in the commit message.

You can define permissions for Push operations based on the role of the user in EWM and configure preconditions for Push operations.

For process support, GitLab and EWM should share a user base, like a common LDAP. For linking work items to Git commits, a shared user base is not mandatory and a EWM functional user can be used.

You can capture a commit discussion from GitLab in all the EWM work items that are mentioned in the commit message using GitLab webhooks. By default, the content of the commit discussion is captured in the work items that are referenced in the commit comment. Formatting is not preserved. If you disable replication of content in work items, then only a link to the commit discussion is added to the work items mentioned in the commit comment. Attachments are not copied into work items.

You can add a comment in a GitLab issue or commit discussion which references a EWM work item and have that comment captured in EWM the work item by using GitLab webhooks. By default, the content of the comment is added to the work item without formatting. If you disable replication of content in work items, then only a link to the issue comment or commit discussion comment is added in the work item. Attachments are not copied into work items.